Page 38 - Central and Eastern European Transfer Pricing Review
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        38 | CEE Transfer Pricing Review

        Transfer pricing study              To satisfy the requirement and/or   Transfer pricing audit
        overview                            obtain the benefts, are there any   and penalties
                                            requirements on when the transfer
        Is preparation of a transfer pricing   pricing study must be prepared   When the tax authority requests
        study required  i.e. can the        and submitted?                      a taxpayer s transfer pricing
        taxpayer be penalized for mere      The law states that the taxpayer    documentation, how long does
        failure to prepare a study?         should be in possession of transfer   the taxpayer have to submit its
        Yes, for all transactions. A requirement to   pricing documentation. There are no   documentation?
        prepare a written transfer pricing study is   guidelines on when the transfer pricing   The statutory requirement is to present
        applicable to companies if at least one of   documentation should be prepared.   transfer pricing documentation within
        the criteria listed below is met:   Documentation must be submitted     30 days of the request.
                                            within 30 days of a written request from
           sales income of the entity before the   the tax authorities.
          taxable year when the transaction was                                 If an adjustment is proposed by the
          actually carried out exceeded 10 million   When a transfer pricing study is   tax authority, are dispute resolution
          Lithuania litas (LTL) (approximately   prepared, should its content follow   options available to the taxpayer
          2.9 million Euros (EUR))          Chapter V of the OECD Guidelines?   outside of competent authority?
                                                                                The procedure of ordinary dispute
           fnancial companies, credit institutions   Yes.                       resolution should be followed, i.e. the
          or insurance companies                                                taxpayer may fle a claim with the central
                                            Does the tax authority require an
           foreign entities engaged in activities   advisor/tax practitioner to have   tax authorities or with the Commission
          through permanent establishments, if   specifc designation in order   of Tax Disputes.
          the attributable income of the foreign   to prepare or submit a transfer
          entitys establishment in Lithuania   pricing study?                   If an adjustment is sustained, can
          exceeds LTL10 million (approximately                                  penalties be assessed? If so, what
          EUR2.9 million).                  No.                                 rates are applied and under what
        If one of these criteria is met, a   Transfer pricing methods           Generally, the tax penalties imposed
        transfer pricing study should include all                               range from 10 to 50 percent of the
        transactions with associated parties.  Are transfer pricing methods outlined
                                            in Chapter II of the OECD Guidelines   outstanding tax amount.
        Other than complying with a         acceptable?                         To what extent are transfer pricing
        requirement per the previous                                            penalties enforced?
        question, describe the benefts, if   Yes.
        any, of preparing and maintaining   Is there a priority among the       Often.
        a transfer pricing study?           acceptable methods?                 What defenses are available with
        The following benefts can be identifed:
                                            Yes. There is a priority rule in Lithuanian   respect to penalties?
           shifting of the burden of proof.  Tax   legislation: the taxpayer has to choose   The penalties can be reduced by up to
          authorities will accept the methods   the CUP method. If the information   10 percent of the outstanding corporate
          used by the taxpayer unless it    available is not suffcient, the resale price   income tax if the taxpayer properly
          is proven that the methods are    method or the cost-plus method will   communicates with the tax authorities
          inappropriate                     be chosen before the application of the   and presents all requested documents/
                                            proft-based methods.                explanations.
           mitigating the risk that the tax
          authority will propose adjustments   If there is no priority of methods, is   What trends are being observed
          based on secret comparables (the   there a best method rule?          currently?
          tax authorities are entitled to use   Not applicable.
          comparables/information not available                                 The number of tax audits (by the tax
          to the taxpayer if the taxpayer has                                   authority) related to transfer pricing
          provided incorrect information)                                       issues is increasing. As well, the
                                                                                number of disputes and proposed tax
           penalty protection                                                   adjustments has increased. Transfer
                                                                                pricing audits are particularly likely
           meets the tax authoritys expectations.
                                                                                for loss making companies and

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