Page 36 - Central and Eastern European Transfer Pricing Review
P. 36

        36 | CEE Transfer Pricing Review

        Do tax authorities have requirements    Other recent                    Is there a fling fee for APAs?
        or preferences regarding databases   developments                       It is planned that the fee per APA would
        for comparables?                                                        be LVL8,000.
        No. The tax authority itself uses the   As of 1 January 2013 there is a transfer
        Amadeus database. However, there are   pricing documentation requirement   Does the tax authority publish APA
        no requirements or recommendations   in Latvia. The amendments to the   data either in the form of an annual
        on the use of any specifc database.   law also introduce APAs. Cabinet of   report or through the disclosure of
        Some entities prefer to use the Amadeus   Ministers Regulations that will provide   data in public forums?
        database because it is more likely that the   practical guidance on concluding APAs   No.
        tax authority would obtain the same, or at   are still in development.
        least similar, benchmarking study results.                              Please provide some information
                                                                                on how successful the APA program
                                            Tax treaty/double tax
        What level of interaction do tax                                        is and whether there are any known
        authorities have with customs       resolution                          diffculties?
        authorities?                        What is the extent of the double tax   APAs are a new option that have not
        High. It is combined.               treaty network?                     yet been implemented. It is planned
                                            Extensive.                          that conclusion of an APA would take
        Are management fees deductible?
                                                                                6 months.
        Yes.                                If extensive, is the competent
                                            authority effective in obtaining
        Are management fees subject to      double tax relief?                  Language
        withholding?                                                            In which language or languages
                                            Almost always.
        Yes.                                                                    can documentation be fled?
                                            When may a taxpayer submit an       There are no language requirements.
        Are year-end transfer pricing       adjustment to competent authority?  Therefore submission of transfer pricing
        adjustments permitted?
                                            No formal rule.                     documentation in English is acceptable.
        Yes. The taxpayer may reduce its                                        However, the tax authority is entitled
        corporate income tax base by the    May a taxpayer go to competent      to ask for a translation of either the full
        difference between intra-group prices   authority before paying tax?    documentation or parts in Latvian.
        and market prices by which its qualifed   Yes.
        related party has increased its corporate                               It is uncommon to submit transfer pricing
        income tax base.                    Advance pricing                     documentation in languages other than
                                                                                Latvian or English.
        Other unique attributes?            arrangements
        None.                               What APA options are available,
                                            if any?
                                            The following options are available:
                                               advance rulings

                                               APAs are possible.

                                                                                 KPMG in Latvia

                                                                                  Steve Austwick
                                                                                  Tel: +371 67 038 000

                                                                                  As email addresses and phone numbers change
                                                                                  frequently, please email us at transferpricing@
                                                                         if you are unable to contact us via the
                                                                                  information noted above.
        © 2013 KPMG Central and Eastern Europe Ltd., a limited liability company and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated
        with KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.
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