Page 31 - Central and Eastern European Transfer Pricing Review
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                                                                                                       Hungary | 31

        When a transfer pricing study is    the TNMM and proft split method should  To what extent are transfer pricing
        prepared, should its content follow   be treated equally with the traditional   penalties enforced?
        Chapter V of the OECD Guidelines?   transaction methods.                Unknown.
        Yes. However, it should be noted that
        Chapter V is not directly applicable, rather   If there is no priority of methods, is   What defenses are available with
        only through the 22/2009 MF Decree on   there a best method rule?       respect to penalties?
        detailed regulation of transfer pricing,   Not applicable.              Default penalties can only be avoided
        which is based on the OECD Guidelines,                                  by complying with transfer pricing
        including Chapter V.                Transfer pricing audit and          requirements.

        Does the tax authority require an   penalties                           What trends are being observed
        advisor/tax practitioner to have    When the tax authority requests     currently?
        specifc designation in order to     a taxpayer s transfer pricing       More and more attention is being paid to
        prepare or submit a transfer pricing   documentation, how long does     the transfer pricing requirements during
        study?                              the taxpayer have to submit its     tax audits, and tax authority inspectors
        No.                                 documentation?                      are being trained accordingly. Although
                                            Normal practice is to expect        special industry focus or transaction
        Transfer pricing methods            documentation within 3 days         focus has not yet been observed,
                                            of request.                         management fees and royalties are
        Are transfer pricing methods                                            usually inspected thoroughly, as well as
        outlined in Chapter II of the OECD   If an adjustment is proposed by the   benchmarking studies (the screening
        Guidelines acceptable?              tax authority, are dispute resolution   steps, geographical selection, qualitative
        Yes.                                options available to the taxpayer   screening, and loss making comparables
                                            outside of competent authority?     in the benchmarking set, etc.).
        Is there a priority among the       After unsuccessful exhaustion of
        acceptable methods?                 administrative procedures, a company   Special considerations
        Up to 31 December 2010, the traditional   is entitled to bring the matter before the
        methods (CUP method, RPM (Resale    competent court.                    Are secret comparables used by
        Price Method), CPLM (Cost Plus                                          tax authorities?
        Method)) were preferred. Basically, the   If an adjustment is sustained, can   No.
        traditional methods should have been   penalties be assessed? If so, what
        applied, but if these methods were not   rates are applied and under what   Is there a preference, or requirement,
        applicable, other methods could have   conditions?                      by the tax authorities for local
        been used.                          If the applied price is not in line with   comparables in a benchmarking set?
                                            arms length prices, the adjustment   Yes. The tax authority prefers local
        While the traditional transaction methods                               comparables. Where existing local
        are still preferred by the tax authority,   will have an effect on the amount of tax   comparables are left out of the
        according to the modifcation of Section   payable. Accordingly, a default penalty of   benchmarking set, the tax authority
        (18) of CIT, effective from 1 January 2011,   50 percent and a late payment penalty
                                            interest might be levied on the basis of   may challenge the benchmarking study
                                            the tax arrears due to such adjustments.  prepared by the taxpayer and perform
                                                                                its own search.

        © 2013 KPMG Central and Eastern Europe Ltd., a limited liability company and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated
        with KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.
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