Page 30 - Central and Eastern European Transfer Pricing Review
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        30 | CEE Transfer Pricing Review

        What is the statute of limitations   Transfer pricing study             Other than complying with a
        on assessment of transfer pricing   overview                            requirement per the previous
        adjustments?                                                            question, describe the benefts, if
        Five years after the last day of the   Is preparation of a transfer pricing   any, of preparing and maintaining
        calendar year in which taxes should have   study required  i.e. can the   a transfer pricing study?
        been declared or reported, or paid in the   taxpayer be penalized for mere   The beneft of preparing a transfer pricing
        absence of a tax return or declaration.   failure to prepare a study?   study is that the taxpayer shifts the
                                            Yes. For certain intra-group transactions.   burden of proof to the tax authority.
        Transfer pricing                    However, there are different transfer   Otherwise, the preparation of transfer
                                            pricing documentation requirements
        disclosure overview                 (e.g. simplifed, standalone,        pricing documentation is obligatory
        Are disclosures related to transfer   consolidated, European transfer pricing   based on the relevant Hungarian
                                                                                regulations. If a company fails to prepare
        pricing required to be prepared or   documentation).                    its documentation or the documentation
        submitted to the revenue authority   The exemptions are, briefy, as follows:   prepared is incomplete, it will be subject
        on an annual basis (e.g. with the                                       to a default penalty of up to
        tax return)?                           to date, a taxpayer has been exempt   HUF2 million (approximately EUR7,000)
        Yes. A company should prepare         from transfer pricing document    per missing documentation per year.
        transfer pricing documentation and    preparation liability in the case of
        the underlying calculations before the   agreements concluded with private   Where a taxpayer repeatedly fails
        submission of its tax return at the latest,   individuals and being a small or   to comply with the transfer pricing
        and it should declare on the tax return   medium sized enterprise       documentation obligation the upper
        form the transfer pricing documentation     effective 1 January 2012, the   cap of the default penalty can be
        is prepared in line with the European   exemption rules were extended.   doubled. And, in the case of repeated
        documentation standards, but the      Accordingly, taxpayers are not    transgressions, four times the general
        documentation does not have to be     liable to prepare transfer pricing   penalty might be applicable. The
        submitted to the tax authority.       documents:                        upper cap of the default penalty can
                                                                                reach HUF8 million (approximately
        What types of transfer pricing           for transactions covered by an APA   EUR28,000) per missing or incomplete
        information must be disclosed?           for cost recharges originally   documentation per business year.
        A company should declare in the         invoiced by third (independent)   To satisfy the requirement and/or
        tax return that the transfer pricing    parties                         obtain the benefts, are there any
        documentation is prepared in line with                                  requirements on when the transfer
        the European documentation standards.     for cash gifts                pricing study must be prepared
                                                 for transactions performed
        What are the consequences               between the taxpayer s foreign   and submitted?
        of failure to prepare or submit         branch offce and related parties   The transfer pricing documentation
        disclosures?                            (where the exemption method     should be prepared for every fnancial
        If the taxpayer does not prepare its    might apply in order to avoid   year. The deadline is the submission
        transfer pricing documentation before   double taxation under the double   date of the corporate tax return.
        the statutory deadline, a default penalty   taxation arrangement between   However, this date must not be later
        can be imposed.                         the relevant country and Hungary)  than the 150th day after the end of
                                                                                the fnancial year. If the tax authority
                                                 for any transactions where the   requests the documentation during
                                                accumulated value does not exceed   an audit of the company, it must be
                                                50 million Hungarian forints (HUF)   presented within 3 days of the request.
                                                (175,000 Euros (EUR)), calculated
                                                from the date of the agreement until
                                                the end of the tax year.

        © 2013 KPMG Central and Eastern Europe Ltd., a limited liability company and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated
        with KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.
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