Page 26 - Central and Eastern European Transfer Pricing Review
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        26 | CEE Transfer Pricing Review


                                          KPMG's Views on Transfer Pricing in Estonia

                                         The Estonian Tax and Customs Boards focus on transfer pricing issues has
                                        continuously increased during recent years. As a new trend, a considerable
                                       number of informal requests have been sent to taxpayers operating in different
                                      industries for transfer pricing documentation.

        Basic information                   an assessment of tax is 6 years. In     if one party of the transaction is a
                                            Estonia, tax returns are submitted on   person domiciled in a low tax rate
        Tax authority name                  a monthly basis.                      territory
        Eesti Maksu- ja Tolliamet (Estonian Tax
        and Customs Board).                                                        a company:
                                            Transfer pricing                         which employs 250 persons or
        Citation for transfer pricing rules   disclosure overview                   more including the personnel of
        General rules are established by the   Are disclosures related to transfer   its associated companies
        Income Tax Act. OECD compliant      pricing required to be prepared or       which has annual turnover
        methods and pricing principles are   submitted to the revenue authority     (associated persons turnover
        established with the Decree by the   on an annual basis (e.g. with the      included) of 50 million Euros (EUR)
        Minister of Finance.                tax return)?                            or more for the previous taxation

        Effective date of transfer pricing   No.                                    period
        rules                               What types of transfer pricing           whose consolidated balance sheet
        Current general rules are effective from   information must be disclosed?   total was EUR43 million or more
        1 January 2000. Amended rules together                                     a non-resident through its permanent
        with documentation requirements are   Not applicable.                     establishment registered in Estonia:
        effective from 1 January 2007. New   What are the consequences
        regulations concerning related parties   of failure to prepare or submit     under the same conditions as a
        in the Income Tax Act are effective from   disclosures?                     resident company.
        1 January 2011.
                                            Not applicable.                     Other than complying with a
        What is the relationship threshold                                      requirement per the previous
        for transfer pricing rules to apply   Transfer pricing study            question, describe the benefts, if
        between parties?                    overview                            any, of preparing and maintaining
        Ownership of at least 10 percent, based                                 a transfer pricing study?
        on voting power, share capital, having   Is preparation of a transfer pricing   Penalty protection, shifting the burden
        common economic interest, or if one   study required  i.e. can the      of proof.
        party has a dominant infuence over   taxpayer be penalized for mere
        the other (subjective judgment, no   failure to prepare a study?        To satisfy the requirement and/or
        ownership requirement).             For companies which qualify under the   obtain the benefts, are there any
                                            documentation requirement, yes, for all   requirements on when the transfer
        What is the statute of limitations   transactions.                      pricing study must be prepared and
        on assessment of transfer pricing                                       submitted?
        adjustments?                        The documentation requirement       The transfer pricing study must be
                                            applies to:
        Three years from the fling date of the                                  submitted within 60 days of request.
        tax return. In the event of intentional     credit and fnancial institutions and
        failure to pay or withholding an amount   insurance companies
        of tax, the limitation period for making

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