Page 24 - Central and Eastern European Transfer Pricing Review
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        24 | CEE Transfer Pricing Review

        Other than complying with a         Transfer pricing methods            assessed (Czech National Bank REPO
        requirement per the previous                                            rate + 14 percent). This interest is
        question, describe the benefts, if   Are transfer pricing methods       calculated beginning the 5th working
        any, of preparing and maintaining   outlined in Chapter II of the       day after the original maturity day. This
        a transfer pricing study?           OECD Guidelines acceptable?         interest charge is applicable for a
        The main benefts are meeting the    Yes.                                maximum period of 5 years. In specifc
        expectation of the Tax Authority for   Is there a priority among the    cases, withholding tax on a deemed
        transfer pricing documentation during   acceptable methods?             dividend is assessed (together with
        a tax audit, shifting the burden of proof                               penalty and interest).
        from the taxpayer to the Tax Authority   No strict rules apply. OECD Guidelines   Companies with investment incentives
        and the consequent reduction of     are followed.                       granted in the form of tax holidays may
        probability of additional tax assessment                                forfeit the right to the tax holidays (even
        and the related penalty as a result of   If there is no priority of methods,   retroactively).
        improper transfer pricing.          is there a best method rule?
                                            Nothing is explicitly mentioned in the   To what extent are transfer pricing
        To satisfy the requirement and/or   legislation.                        penalties enforced?
        obtain the benefts, are there any
        requirements on when the transfer   Transfer pricing audit and          Tax sanctions are automatically enforced.
        pricing study must be prepared                                          What defenses are available with
        and submitted?                      penalties
                                                                                respect to penalties?
        During a tax inspection, the Tax Authority   When the tax authority requests   Only shifting the burden of proof through
        can ask that the taxpayer justify prices   a taxpayer s transfer pricing   using proper documentation or defense
        used in transactions with related   documentation, how long does        fles.
        parties. In this situation it is practically   the taxpayer have to submit its
        expected that the taxpayer will provide   documentation?                What trends are being observed
        transfer pricing documentation. The   The Tax Authority commonly expects   currently?
        usual deadline set by the Tax Authority   documentation as a basic tool, assisting   The number of tax audits with a
        is within 15 days of the request. Tax   the taxpayer to justify its prices, within   transfer pricing focus has increased
        Authorities may provide a longer deadline   15 days of request. This deadline can be   considerably. The main focus is on
        if requested by the taxpayer.       extended by the Tax Authority upon the   services (beneft test) and proftability
                                            taxpayer s request.                 ratios. Interest rates and fnancial
        When a transfer pricing study is
        prepared, should its content follow   If an adjustment is proposed by the   transactions are also being challenged
        Chapter V of the OECD Guidelines?   tax authority, are dispute resolution   by Tax Authorities.
        Yes. All elements according to the   options available to the taxpayer   The Tax Authorities cross-check the
        OECD transfer pricing documentation   outside of competent authority?   local documentation and its link to local
        requirements are usually included. The   Yes. The taxpayer can initiate an appeal to   accounting information and require a
        recommended scope is included in the   the Appeal Financial Directorate before   high level of detail during tax inspections.
        Ministry of Finance Regulation D-334.   going to a regional court.      Investigating transfer pricing within a
                                                                                tax inspection is the rule rather than the
        Does the tax authority require an   If an adjustment is sustained, can   exception for multinationals.
        advisor/tax practitioner to have    penalties be assessed? If so, what
        specifc designation in order to     rates are applied and under what    The Tax Authorities have specialized
        prepare or submit a transfer pricing   conditions?                      teams for transfer pricing and
        study?                                                                  international tax. The Ministry of Finance
                                            Yes. General tax penalties apply.   regularly attends EU JTPF meetings and
        No specifc designation is                                               is part of the international information
        necessary. Taxpayers can prepare    A penalty of 20 percent of the avoided   exchange within the EU.
        transfer pricing documentation on their   tax or 1 percent (5 percent for tax
        own or via their advisors. On the other   liabilities before 2011) of the overstated
        hand, it is possible to have it offcially   tax loss is assessed when a transfer   Special considerations
        prepared by a designated expert     pricing adjustment is made by the Tax   Are secret comparables used by tax
        approved by the Interior Ministry. KPMG   Authority. Furthermore, interest for late   authorities?
        in the Czech Republic is one of a few   payment of approximately 15 percent is
        companies with this authorization.                                       Yes.

        © 2013 KPMG Central and Eastern Europe Ltd., a limited liability company and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated
        with KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.
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