Page 53 - Central and Eastern European Transfer Pricing Review
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                                                                                                       Romania | 53

        What trends are being observed      What level of interaction do tax    seek to classify certain fees as royalties
        currently?                          authorities have with customs       and therefore exclude them from
        Currently, the strategy of the Romanian   authorities?                  the business profts article.
        tax authorities is to focus on loss-making   The exchange of information with the
        companies and on companies operating   customs authorities on transfer pricing   Are year-end transfer pricing
        in certain economic sectors (such as the   adjustments is increasing. Customs   adjustments permitted?
        oil and gas sector, which has come under   base adjustments are also made in   Yes. There is nothing in the Romanian
        a lot of scrutiny in the last year).  accordance with the General Agreement   legislation to prohibit year-end
                                            for Trade and Tariffs (GATT).       adjustments, which may be subject to
                                                                                other tax consequences depending on
        Special considerations              Are management fees deductible?     the nature of the underlying transaction.
        Are secret comparables used by      General corporate conditions must be
        tax authorities?                    cumulatively met: the service is actually   Other unique attributes?
        As a matter of principle, Romanian tax   rendered; the taxpayer can provide   If a transfer pricing documentation
        authorities use public information and   supporting documents attesting that the   fle does not included all the sections
        databases. Additional information may   service was provided (that is, written   required by the legislation, there is a
        be found via exchange of information   agreement, timesheets, reports, etc.);   risk that the fle may be considered as
        with other states.                  and the service is rendered for the   incomplete, which gives the right to the
                                            beneft of the taxpayer s business.   tax authorities to make adjustments.
        Is there a preference, or requirement,                                  Transfer pricing adjustments may be
        by the tax authorities for local    In the absence of such supporting   made by the tax authorities based
        comparables in a benchmarking set?  documents, tax inspectors may deny   on three independent transactions
                                            the deductibility of these service
        Yes. For Romanian transfer pricing   fees. Management services are often   (qualifying as similar with the one that is
        purposes, in order to determine the   scrutinized by tax inspectors trying to   being analyzed). The simple average will
        arms length character of prices charged   question their deductibility.   be used.
        between a Romanian entity and its
        related parties, a local market benchmark   Also, management fees should be   In practice, the Romanian tax authorities
        study has to be carried out frst. It is only   priced at the market-price level.   do not accept loss-making companies to
        in the case of insuffciently available                                  be included in benchmark studies.
        information regarding local comparables   Are management fees subject to
        that Romanian tax authorities will accept   withholding?                Other recent
        a pan-European search. Nevertheless,   Yes, if there is no protection of a double
        the search for comparables on the local   tax treaty. According to Romanian   developments
        market has to be documented and     legislation, a 16 percent withholding   Although the obligation to document
        justifed as not possible. In practice, we   tax applies on payments made to   domestic intra-group transactions for
        noticed that the Romanian tax authorities   foreign service suppliers, and there   Romanian transfer pricing purposes was
        are asking for Romanian comparables,   is only an override if the relevant   clearly stated in the Fiscal Code as of
        and other benchmarks (on the EU market   treaty has a business profts article   May-June 2010, there is still a risk that
        or on extended markets) are usually   and the fees are within that article.   the previous text of the relevant provision
        rejected by the Romanian tax authorities.  Starting 1 February 2013, a 50 percent   of the Fiscal Code could be interpreted in
                                            withholding tax is applied for income   a way that the documentation obligation
        Do tax authorities have requirements   derived rendering services in or outside   was also applicable in prior periods.
        or preferences regarding databases   Romania, including management
        for comparables?                    services, if this income is paid in a state   Tax treaty/double tax
        No. However, the Amadeus database   with which Romania has not concluded   resolution
        is most commonly accepted by the    a treaty for the exchange of information.
        Romanian tax authorities.           Note that the Romanian authorities often  What is the extent of the double
                                                                                tax treaty network?

        © 2013 KPMG Central and Eastern Europe Ltd., a limited liability company and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated
        with KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.
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