Page 56 - Central and Eastern European Transfer Pricing Review
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        56 | CEE Transfer Pricing Review

        What types of transfer pricing      When a transfer pricing study is    If an adjustment is proposed by the
        information must be disclosed?      prepared, should its content follow   tax authority, are dispute resolution
        Income and expenses generated from   Chapter V of the OECD Guidelines?  options available to the taxpayer
        related party transactions during the year   Yes. Additional guidance regarding the   outside of competent authority?
        must be separately disclosed in the CIT   content of the transfer pricing study is   Adjustments assessed by the tax
        return.                             expected during 2013.               authorities must be applied and then
                                                                                the taxpayer has an option to appeal to
        What are the consequences           Does the tax authority require an   the second instance degree procedure
        of failure to prepare or submit     advisor/tax practitioner to have    with the tax authorities, or fnally to the
        disclosures?                        specifc designation in order        Administrative Court.
        Failure to separately disclose the value of   to prepare or submit a transfer
        related party transactions in accordance   pricing study?               If an adjustment is sustained, can
        with the arms length principle carries   No.                            penalties be assessed? If so, what
        penalty exposure from 100 thousand                                      rates are applied and under what
        to 2 million Serbian dinar (RSD).   Transfer pricing methods            conditions?
                                                                                Yes. Penalties may range from RSD100
        Transfer pricing study              Are transfer pricing methods        thousand to RSD2 million for non-
                                            outlined in Chapter II of the
                                                                                disclosing of transfer prices at arms
        overview                            OECD Guidelines acceptable?         length in the tax balance. In addition,
        Is preparation of a transfer pricing   Yes. Please note that interest rates   there is a potential penalty depending
        study required  i.e. can the        can also be assessed using an interest   on the additional tax liability assessed
        taxpayer be penalized for mere      rate prescribed as arms length by the   by the tax authorities. This penalty
        failure to prepare a study?         Ministry of Finance.                varies from 1 percent to 25 percent of
        Yes, for all transactions.                                              the assessed additional tax liability but
                                            Is there a priority among the       not less than RSD100 thousand.
        Other than complying with a         acceptable methods?                 To what extent are transfer pricing
        requirement per the previous        No.                                 penalties enforced?
        question, describe the benefts, if
        any, of preparing and maintaining   If there is no priority of methods,   Rarely, although a signifcant shift is
        a transfer pricing study?           is there a best method rule?        expected in this respect during 2013.
        Preparing and maintaining a transfer   Yes, new transfer pricing regulations   What defenses are available with
        pricing study shifts the burden of proof   prescribe the use of the most   respect to penalties?
        from the taxpayer to the tax authorities   appropriate method.
        and provides shelter from adjustments                                   Preparing documentation should mitigate
        made based on incorrect comparables.   Transfer pricing audit           the risk of penalties. Other defense
        In addition, timely preparation may   and penalties                     strategies may include negotiation and
        provide added protection from short                                     reasonable cause but such strategies are
        supplementary deadlines for submitting   When the tax authority requests   less likely to have the desired positive
        and amending the documentation which   a taxpayer s transfer pricing    effects.
        range from 30 to 90 days.           documentation, how long does        What trends are being observed
                                            the taxpayer have to submit its
        To satisfy the requirement and/or   documentation?                      currently?
        obtain the benefts, are there any   The documentation should be available   Outcomes from audits are revealing
        requirements on when the transfer   on request. However, an additional   that the tax authorities prefer the CUP
        pricing study must be prepared      30 to 90 day deadline can be provided   method, but apply that method in a very
        and submitted?                                                          simplifed way.
                                            for submitting and amending the
        Documentation should be             documentation.                      There are also strong indications that the
        contemporaneous. However, it can also                                   tax authorities will place frm focus on
        be submitted within 30 to 90 days of                                    transfer pricing during tax audits starting
        request.                                                                from 2013.

        © 2013 KPMG Central and Eastern Europe Ltd., a limited liability company and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated
        with KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.
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