Page 55 - Central and Eastern European Transfer Pricing Review
P. 55

                                                                                                         Serbia | 55


                                          KPMG's Views on Transfer Pricing in Serbia

                                         Transfer pricing rules have been present for more than a decade in Serbian
                                        corporate income tax (CIT) legislation, but specifc and detailed regulations
                                       on the application of these rules have never been published by the Ministry of
                                      Finance. However, it is our recommendation that due diligence should be taken
                                      with respect to the transfer pricing rules stipulated in the CIT Law (even though
                                     they are not applied in practice) since the tax authorities may change their current
                                    practice even retroactively. In addition, new transfer pricing rules introduced as of
                                   2013 further increase the transfer pricing risk.

        Basic information                   These tests are applied to both direct and   The Ministry of Finance is expected
                                            indirect ownership.                 to publish a list of jurisdictions with a
        Tax authority name                                                      preferential tax system during 2013.
        Tax Administration of Serbia.       Furthermore, companies are deemed to
                                            be related if the same persons directly or   What is the statute of limitations
        Citation for transfer pricing rules   indirectly participate in the management,   on assessment of transfer pricing
                                            ownership or control of both companies
        Articles 59, 60, 61 and 61a of the CIT                                  adjustments?
        Law.                                in the manner described above.      The right of the Tax Administration to
                                            Members of the immediate family of   assess a tax liability is limited to 5 years
        Effective date of transfer pricing   shareholders who own at least 25 percent   from the day when the period of limitation
        rules                               of shares or hold at least 25 percent of   commenced. The period commences as
        Rules have been present since 1 July   voting rights are also deemed as related   of 1 January of the year following the year
        2001, while the latest amendments   parties.                            when the tax liability became due.  The
        came into force on 1 January 2013.                                      absolute period of limitation is 10 years.
        Our comments relate to the latest   In addition, any company which is
        amendments and rules in force from   a resident of a jurisdiction with a   There is no special statute of limitations
        1 January 2013.                     preferential tax system is deemed   on assessment of transfer pricing
                                            to be a related party regardless of   adjustments.
        What is the relationship threshold   the percentage of direct or indirect
        for transfer pricing rules to apply   ownership or voting rights in a Serbian   Transfer pricing
        between parties?                    company.                            disclosure overview
        An entity is deemed a related party   A jurisdiction with a preferential tax
        if it has the possibility of control or   system exists if the relevant regulations   Are disclosures related to transfer
        considerable infuence on the business   allow for a signifcant reduction in income   pricing required to be prepared or
        decisions made.                     and dividend taxation when compared   submitted to the revenue authority
                                                                                on an annual basis (e.g. with the tax
        Ownership of at least 25 percent of the   to Serbian regulations. A territory   return)?
        shares in the capital is considered as the   also qualifes as a jurisdiction with a   Yes, a taxpayer is obliged to prepare
        possibility of control.             preferential tax system if its regulations
                                            do not allow or impede obtaining    and submit documentation presenting
        Possessing at least 25 percent of the   information on ownership or other data   related party transactions at both transfer
        voting rights is considered as having   relevant for resolving taxation issues.  and arms length prices along with their
        an infuence on business decisions.                                      annual tax return.

        © 2013 KPMG Central and Eastern Europe Ltd., a limited liability company and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated
        with KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.
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