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118  LIFECYCLE MANAGEMENT | TOTAL COST OF OWNERSHIP                                                                     119



 CHIEF COMMERCIAL OFFICER ARNOUT DAMEN, WITH MANAGING   Sea Axe Bow (the patented Damen   COOL YOUR KEEL   “In that respect,” rejoins Arnout, “our international network of Service Hubs
 DIRECTOR HIGH SPEED CRAFT WIARD LEENDERS AND PRODUCT   hull form developed in collaboration   Dirk Degroote, product manager   and globally available fl eet of engineers also play their part in making sure
 MANAGER TUGS DIRK DEGROOTE, TALKS ABOUT DELIVERING   with the Technical University of Delft   Tugs, agrees with the assessment that   that Damen clients face the absolute minimal downtime in their operations.”
 DAMEN’S GOAL OF LOW TOTAL COST OF OWNERSHIP OVER THE   in the Netherlands) feature improved   standardisation drives low total cost
 LIFETIME OF A VESSEL.   seakeeping and less resistance in the   of ownership. “Our tugs draw on the   INCOME GENERATION
 water. As a result, the Axe Bow is proven   experience of the entire Damen fl eet   Wiard: “Indeed, a good part of our work towards lower OPEX is not
 When it comes to purchasing a vessel, Damen’s chief commercial offi cer   OTAL COST OF   to offer reduced fuel consumption of up   and incorporate the improvements of   about minimising costs, but maximising performance. The longer the
 Arnout Damen urges buyers to look beyond the initial outlay.   TOWNERSHIP IS AN   to 20%.”  successive generations, so reliability   vessel can operate comfortably, the more income it generates for the
 “There are Damen vessels still in operation today that were built in the   IMPORTANT PART OF   is assured. Low maintenance is also a   customer. This is where our focus lies.”
 1970s. Given a lifespan as long as this, it makes sense to consider the   THE DESIGN CRITERIA   BALANCING POWER WITH   feature. As an example, on the ASD Tug
 costs of the total operation, not only the capital costs. It often transpires,   FOR HIGH SPEED   PERFORMANCE, WEIGHT WITH SPEED  2312 we have incorporated fresh water   Within this area of focus are numerous elements – widening windows
 especially with a Damen vessel, that the total cost of ownership, over the   CRAFT. IT IS, IN FACT,   Managing director High Speed Craft   keel cooling channels. It’s a simple system   of operability based on weather windows and increasing safety and on
 lifetime of the product, can easily offset the cost of initial investment.”  Wiard Leenders: “Total cost of ownership   without the need for box coolers or ICAF   board comfort to name a few. (You can read in detail about safety and
 THE DEVELOPMENT   is an important part of the design criteria   (Impressed Current Anti-Fouling) anodes   well-being on board Damen High Speed Craft and Tugs on page 92).
 LOW OPEX AS STANDARD  OF SOME OF OUR   for High Speed Craft. It is, in fact, the   It’s a system that has already proven itself   UR
 The reasons that this applies notably to Damen vessels are many and   PRODUCTS  reason for the development of some of   the world over on Stan Tugs, so we have  OINTERNATIONAL   DIGITAL DEVELOPMENT
 varied. For one thing, Damen takes care to ensure the high quality of its   our products – such as those providing   absolute confi dence in optimising it for   NETWORK OF SERVICE   With the increasing digitalisation of the maritime industry, new tools are
 facilities, wherever in the world it builds, ensuring high quality welding   marine access solutions.  higher power on ASD Tugs.  HUBS AND GLOBALLY   becoming available that assist with reducing fuel consumption, lowering
 and painting, for example. Perhaps though, the key element here is the   AVAILABLE FLEET OF   maintenance requirements and maximising vessel uptime. Damen has
 process of standardised shipbuilding.   “For us, speed, capacity and reliability are   “I tend to see that the clients really see the   ENGINEERS ALSO PLAY   been quick to embrace the new technology, implementing such things as
 all crucial components. From an OPEX   return on their investment with a Damen   THEIR PART IN MAKING   remote monitoring with Damen Digital.
 “With standardisation, we develop a product and improve it over   perspective, one of our challenges is   vessel during their fi fth year – at the fi ve-  SURE THAT DAMEN
 successive generations, with the result that it proves its reliability.   to reach the maximum speed with the   year survey. Our aim is that this should   CLIENTS FACE THE   Arnout: “Damen Digital includes the remote monitoring of fuel
 Everyone knows what the vessel’s capabilities are because there are other   minimum amount of installed power.   be a time of simple maintenance, not a   ABSOLUTE MINIMAL   consumption patterns to promote effi cient sailing. It also paves the
 examples of its kind, performing consistently and providing a benchmark.   The amount of power not only affects   massive overhaul and my experience is   DOWNTIME IN THEIR   way to extending periods between maintenance, based on accurate
 That being the case, Damen vessels have a high re-sale value.   the weight of the vessel, it impacts fuel   that the quality of the vessel, at this stage,   OPERATIONS.  monitoring of such things as fuel and oil quality and parts performance.
 OU CAN SEE THIS   consumption, which we aim to keep as low   can already offset the expenditure of the   Similar practice has already had much success in the automotive industry
 “This is not only good when you want to sell your boat, but also for the   YWITH DAMEN   as possible. To that end, we conduct quite   initial capital investment.”  where the additional in-depth knowledge provided by remote monitoring
 buyer – with the product offering a tangible performance, the banks also   TUGS. THEIR SMOOTH   some research, often in collaboration with   has brought a lot of success in cost-saving and maximising uptime. We
 know what they are looking at and are happier to fi nance the investment.”   LINES CREATE LESS   institutes such as the TU Delft and MARIN   GLOBAL SUPPORT   are maintaining a close eye on digital developments as we foresee
 RESISTANCE AND   (Maritime  Research Institute Netherlands).   Wiard agrees: “For all systems and   digitalisation will further increase opportunities to bring OPEX down in
 AXING FUEL CONSUMPTION  STIMULATE LOWER   As a result, our vessels have developed   sub-systems we apply A-brand materials   the future.
 The features of Damen’s standard vessels also play their part in reducing   FUEL USAGE.  a reputation for low, predictable fuel   and components. This not only reduces
 the cost of operations over the lifecycle of the vessel. Again, examples   consumption combined with excellent   maintenance, it makes it more predictable.   “We are always looking to further develop our performance, collecting
 are legion, but the attention that Damen pays to designing effi cient hull   seakeeping, particularly in higher sea   And, if maintenance is necessary, our use   valuable feedback from our clients and industry and incorporating it into
 forms plays its part in considerably reducing fuel consumption.  states.”   of high quality materials ensures the easy   the continual development of our products. We operate on the basis that
      availability of spare parts.”                              there is always room for improvement. However, we are proud of what
 “You can see this with Damen Tugs. Their smooth lines create less   we have achieved to date and I feel confi dent in saying that you can earn
 resistance and stimulate lower fuel usage. Also, vessels that have the   more money with a Damen boat. It’s not the cheapest, but it is the best,”
                                                                 concludes Arnout.
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