Page 25 - CEE Tax Guide 2024
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Hungary   e-VAT system has been introduced in 2024 with the   environmental protection charges on products heavily
           aim of making VAT administration easier. Under the new   polluting the environment (e.g. all kinds of electric
           regime, the Tax Authority provides taxpayers with draft VAT   equipment, accumulators and batteries, packaging
           statements based on online invoice reporting data.  materials, etc.) have been replaced by EPR (Extended
                                                               Producer Responsibility) fees.
 Mazars Kft.  VAT options in                                   Personal income tax / Social security system
 Váci Greens Office, Building F  Hungary  Applicable / limits
 Fiastyúk utca 4–8, 2nd floor,                                 There is a flat-rate PIT of 15%, and it is generally
 H-1139 Budapest, Hungary  Distance selling  From July 1, 2021, the OSS system   applicable both to active (e.g. employment, assignment
 Phone: +36 (1) 429 3010                is applicable.         fee) and passive incomes (e.g. capital gains, dividend,
 Fax: +36 (1) 235 0481  Call-off stock      ü                  and interest). Tax payable on active income is reduced                                                 by a family tax allowance. The family tax allowance
            VAT group registration          ü                  amounts to HUF 20,000 (approx. EUR 50)/month/
            Cash accounting – yearly                           child for up to 2 children; and HUF 33,000 (EUR 84)/
            amount in EUR (approx.)  Approx. EUR 320,000/year.  child) from 3 children. As of January 1, 2020, a lifelong
 Corporate taxes and other direct taxes     There is a wide range of tax allowances for new   Import VAT deferment  ü  personal income tax exemption for employment income
 investments (for example, for energy-efficiency               was introduced for mothers raising or having raised four
 In Hungary, a corporate income tax rate of 9% is applicable,   investments and for investment in start-up companies),   Sale of waste, agricultural products,   or more children. From 2022, employees of 25 years of age
 which is the lowest rate in the EU. The tax base is the pre-  as well as for R&D facilities.  Local reverse charge  greenhouse gas emission quotas,   or under also enjoy tax exemption. Benefits-in-kind are
                                  collaterals. Also, the provision
 tax profit modified by several increasing and decreasing   of certain construction services,   taxed at two rates, depending on the type of benefit: PIT
 items. Losses can be carried forward for 5 years and   Hungary provides a tax exemption for holding structures:   turn-key construction projects.   plus social tax calculated on a special tax base altogether
 may be used to reduce the tax base up to a maximum   capital gains on shares and intellectual property under   amounting to 33.04% or 28%, respectively, which
 of 50% of the tax base. Loss carryback is generally not   certain conditions are tax free, and a 50% tax allowance   Option for taxation  is to be paid only by the employer. However, as of 2019,
 possible. Special limitations are applicable in the case   is applicable on royalty incomes.  letting of real estate  ü  most types of benefits-in-kind are taxed as normal
 of M&A transactions.                                          employment income.
 There is no withholding tax on dividends, interest, and   supply of used real estate  ü
 From 2019, the previous thin capitalization rules have been   royalties paid by a Hungarian company to a foreign   VAT registration   Active income falls under the scope of the SSC system:
 replaced by the interest-limitation rules set out by ATAD   company. Hungary has a wide international treaty network   threshold  No  the social security contribution payable by the individuals
 (30% of EBITDA or approx. EUR 2.5 million). Exit tax and   with more than 80 treaties on the avoidance of double   concerned is 18.5%; the employer’s social tax was reduced
 hybrid mismatch regulations are also applied.  taxation. However, the United States-Hungary tax treaty   Other indirect tax types in Hungary include excise duty   to 13% from January 2022. Some passive incomes are also
 has been terminated as of 2024.  on energy products, alcohol and tobacco products,   subject to 13% social tax; however, there is an upper limit
 Group taxation is available in Hungary for CIT purposes,   financial transactional tax (payable by banks completing   in the case of dividends. Other types of passive income
 which allows related parties to avoid some of the transfer   The local business tax of maximum 2% is payable on gross   such transactions), insurance tax, “chips tax” (levied   (e.g. capital gains on shares in stock exchange companies,
 pricing documentation obligations.  margin (sales revenue minus COGS, mediated services,   on unhealthy foods and drinks), and retail tax. The previous   or interest) are exempt from social tax.
 material costs and R&D costs).
 IFRS accounting is optional for larger companies (above
 approx. EUR 0.8 million of revenue or 50 employees) and   Transfer tax is applied in Hungary to a limited range
 is obligatory for financial institutions and listed companies.  of transactions. The general transfer tax rate applied to real   Wage related taxes in Hungary  Minimum wage  Average wage
 property transactions is 4%, including the acquisition                                    in private sector
 of real estate or 75% of the shares of a real property         in EUR       in HUF        in EUR       in HUF
 holding company. There are some exceptions regarding   Exchange rate HUF/EUR                                                   389
 Transfer pricing in Hungary  intra-group transactions. The transfer tax is 18% on gifts    686           266,800       1,597       621,200
 Arm's length principle   ü  Since 1996  and inheritance, 9% in the case of residential real estate;   Total wage cost   775      113.00%   1,805      113.00%
 gifts and inheritance within a family are tax-exempt.
 Documentation liability  ü  Since 2003  Social contribution tax    89      13.00%            208      13.00%
 A number of windfall taxes have been introduced for the
 APA  ü  Since 2007  financial years of 2022-2024, for example in the banking   Gross salary   686      100.00%   1,597      100.00%
 Country-by-Country   Since 2016   and insurance sectors, but energy suppliers and producers   Personal income tax   103      15.00%   240      15.00%
 liability  ü  of pharmaceutical drugs are also affected.    Employees' contributions   127      18.50%   295      18.50%
 Master file-local file   Net salary                               456      66.50%           1,062      66.50%
 (OECD BEPS 13)   ü  Since 2018  VAT and other indirect taxes
 Penalty  The standard VAT rate is 27%, while the reduced rates are
 ~ EUR 12,000 / missing   18% (e.g. bread) and 5% (e.g. milk, eggs, newspapers,
 lack of documentation  ü  documentation,    books, medicines, certain meat products, new residential
 doubled for a recurrence  real estate, internet access services, accommodation
 50% on tax underpayment    services and restaurant services). Due to limited voluntary
       tax shortage  ü  + late payment interest  compliance in certain sectors (e.g. retail business
 Direct or indirect   and certain services), Hungary introduced a number
 Related parties  > 50%    control or common   of measures aimed at enforcing the law, such as the online
 managing director.  checking of cash registers and domestic sales reports.   Dr. Dániel H. Nagy LL.M.
 Low value-added services:   Taxpayers are required to use billing software capable   Partner, Head of Tax & Legal Services
 Safe harbors  ü  3%–7% mark-up.  of automatically providing the tax authority with real-time   Mobile: +36 20 406 5582
 Level of attention paid by Tax   invoice data. Thus, from 2021, each invoice is essentially   E-mail:
 Authority  9/10  reported to the tax authority in real-time. The so called

 24  Mazars  Central and Eastern European tax guide 2024  Central and Eastern European tax guide 2024  Mazars  25
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