Page 29 - CEE Tax Guide 2024
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Kosovo    borders of Kosovo. The holder of the transaction pays VAT   Personal income tax / Social security system
           on the basis of the customs value and any other import
           duty (customs and excise tax, if applicable) regardless   The object of taxation for a resident taxpayer is taxable
                                                               income from a source in Kosovo and from a foreign
           of their origin. VAT is levied on imports and any supply   source. The object of taxation for a non-resident taxpayer
           of goods or services, except those which are considered   is taxable income from a source in Kosovo.
           as exempt by law.
 Mazars Kosova sh.p.k                                          With the exception of income exempt from tax under the
 Rr. Ukshin Hoti, No.45/6,  VAT options in                     law, gross income is all income received or accrued from
 Prishtina, Kosovo                 Applicable / limits         any source, including: wages, rent, business activity, the
 Phone: +383 38 609 029  Kosovo                                use of intangible assets, interest, capital gains, lotteries  Distance selling            No                 and other games of chance, pensions paid by an employer,
            Call-off stock                  No                 or in line with the Law on Pensions in Kosovo and any other
            VAT group registration          No                 income that increases the taxpayer’s net worth.
            Cash accounting – yearly                           Taxpayers are natural persons, resident and non-resident,
            amount in EUR (approx.)         No                 personal businesses, partnerships, and companies who
 Corporate taxes and other direct taxes     by Kosovo residents or non-residents. Reflecting the   Import VAT deferment  ü  receive or create gross income from all sources, including
 change in the corporate income tax rate, except for           wages, business activities, rents, lottery winnings,
 Resident companies are subject to corporate income tax   the withholding tax on rent (9%), all other income   Supply of construction and   interest, dividends, capital gains, use of intangible
 on their worldwide income, while the object of taxation   is taxed at 10%.  Local reverse charge  construction-related works;   property, pensions, and any other income that increases
 for a non-resident taxpayer is only the taxable income   construction activities.  the taxpayers’ net worth. The taxable period for Personal
 generated from a source in Kosovo. The Corporate Income   Withholding tax will be levied even in cases where the   Option for taxation  Income Tax is the calendar year. Personal Income Tax
 Tax (CIT) system in Kosovo adheres to the principles   recipient of the income is subject to corporate income   letting of real estate  ü  is applied at progressive rates (rates from 0% to 10%).
 of worldwide taxation.  tax and such income is included in the recipient's taxable   The Kosovo Pension Savings Fund is responsible
 profits. The withholding tax is offset against the corporate   supply of used real estate  No
 The annual turnover threshold for taxation has been   income tax payable by the recipient on the annual   VAT registration    for administering and managing individual pension
 reduced from an annual turnover of EUR 50,000 to EUR   tax return.  threshold  EUR 30,000/year  saving accounts. This fund obliges the employee
 30,000. Resident companies and sole traders whose             and the employer to contribute to financing the
 gross annual income exceeds EUR 30,000 are subject   Transfer pricing (TP) effective from 2017 regulates the   The VAT rate has increased to two fixed rates: the standard   employee’s pension at the rate of 5% from the
 to CIT. Below the threshold, taxpayers can opt for a special   intra-company pricing arrangement between affiliated   rate of 18% and the reduced rate of 8% of the value   employee’s salary and 5% from the employer.
 quarterly payment on their gross income.  business entities. Controlled taxation comes into effect   of supplies of imported and domestic taxable supplies,
 whenever there is a minimum 50% ownership or voting   except for exempt supplies and supplies treated as exports.
 The CIT rate on annual turnover is 10%. This tax is paid   right condition exists for the transaction. Controlled
 every three months depending on annual turnover. Taxable   transactions include all types of transactions that may   Average wage
 income for the CIT period is the difference between gross   affect the taxable income of a taxpayer.  Wage related taxes in Kosovo  Minimum wage  in private sector
 income received or accrued during the tax period and the
 deductions allowable with respect to such gross income.   Taxpayers performing controlled transactions above the   in EUR  in EUR
 The tax period for CIT is the calendar year. Losses can   amount of EUR 300,000 within a calendar year must   170                400
 be carried forward for six consecutive tax periods.  submit an annual controlled transactions form to the tax
 authorities by March 31 of the following year.   Total wage cost   179       105%            420       105%
 Withholding tax is also levied on income from interest,
 royalties, rents, lotteries, and games of chance earned   The regulation excludes internal controlled transactions   Vocational training contribution    -        0%   -        0%
 (it applies only to cross border transactions) and provides   Social contribution tax   9      5%   20      5%
 Transfer pricing in Kosovo  for certain safe harbors to prove that the arm’s length   Gross salary   170      100%   400      100%
 Arm’s length principle  ü  Since 2017  principle is respected. Safe harbors involve calculating the   Personal income tax   4      2%   17      4%
 total costs of all group members for the low value-adding
 Documentation liability  ü  Since 2017  intra-group services on an annual basis. For such services,   Employees' contributions   9      5%   20      5%
 APA  ü  Since 2017  there is no need to prepare a transfer pricing study, but   Net salary   158      93%   363      91%
 Country-by-  From FY 2017    instead a profit mark-up to a maximum 7% on costs
 Country liability  ü  (with transitional rules).  is allowable.
 Master file-local file   VAT and other indirect taxes
 (OECD BEPS 13)   ü  From FY 2018 on.
 applicable  A transaction is subject to VAT taxation in Kosovo if it is for
 Penalty  the supply of goods or services against payment made
 within the territory of Kosovo by a taxable person acting
 lack of documentation  ü  A maximum of EUR 2,500.  as such. Furthermore, the import of goods pursuant to the

       tax shortage  N.A.  law is subject to VAT taxation.
 Direct or indirect   A taxable person is any person, whether natural or legal,
 Related parties  > 50%  control or common   or organized in any other form recognized by law in Kosovo,
 managing director.  who independently carries out an economic activity   Teit Gjini
 Low value-added services:    pursuant to the law, regardless of the place, purpose,
 Safe harbors  ü  mark-up to a maximum 7%.  or result of this activity. In line with EU and VAT principles,   Managing Partner
                          Mobile: +355 (0) 69 20 37 456
 Level of attention paid by Tax   exports are exempt from VAT with the right of deduction   E-mail:
 Authority  9/10  of input VAT. VAT on imports is collected at the state

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