Page 23 - CEE Tax Guide 2024
P. 23

Greece     VAT options in         Applicable / limits         Personal income tax / Social security system
            Greece                                             Pursuant to domestic tax law, as taxable employment
                                                               income is considered to be any remuneration received
            Distance selling          EUR 10,000/year          by an employee within an employment context including

            Call-off stock                  ü                  benefits in cash or in-kind, such as the private use
 Mazars Accounting Tax    VAT group registration  No           of a company car, a cost-of-living allowance and other
 Single Member P.C.                                            benefits over EUR 300 per fiscal year. In Greece, personal
 14 Amfitheas Ave, 17564,  Cash accounting – yearly   Optional for small companies with   income tax is subject to a progressive tax rate ranging
 Palaio Faliro, Athens – Greece  amount in EUR (approx.)  a turnover of up to 2m.  from 9% to 44%. Additionally, tax payable on employment
 Phone: +30 2106993749  Import VAT deferment  ü                income is reduced by a family tax allowance from EUR 777
 Fax: +30 2106983708             B2B sales for laptops, tablets, cell   to EUR 1,780 under certain conditions. For individuals, real  Local reverse charge  phones, and game consoles under   estate income is taxed at a progressive rate of 15% to 45%.
            Option for taxation                                Active incomes fall under the scope of the SSC system.
                                                               The vast majority of Greek employees have been covered
                letting of real estate  Optional on business rentals.  by the Social Insurance Institution known as E.F.K.A.
 Corporate taxes and other direct taxes     and thin cap interests, to the extent that they are over   supply of used real estate  No   since January 1, 2017. Social security contributions are
 30% of EBITDA and EUR 3 million. Greek corporations           calculated based on the actual salary of the employee.
 A flat corporate income tax rate of 22% is applied   are also subject to annual business tax up to EUR 1,000,   Not applicable for taxable persons.   The applicable rates for full time employees are 22.29%
 to resident corporations for fiscal years 2021 onwards.   irrespective of their profitability. Greek companies   However, small businesses with   for employers and 13.87% for employees. For part-
                                 a turnover up to EUR 10,000 may
 Non-resident corporations are taxed in Greece on any   are subject to tax prepayment equal to 80% of the tax   VAT registration    be exempted from VAT registration.   timers, the rates are also the same effective as of January
 income generated in Greece. The relative tax rate applies   corresponding to the revenues of the tax year for which   threshold  Also, the threshold is set at EUR   1, 2023. Social security grants benefits in the case
 after the deduction of business costs, depreciations,   the return is filed. For newly established companies, the   10,000 for pan-EU digital services   of unemployment, sickness, disability, retirement, and
 and provisions for bad debts. Major tax adjustments   prepayment is reduced to 50% for the first three years   and goods as a part of OSS return.   death. For calculation purposes, the upper limit of social
 and non-deductible items include payments out of the   of operations.  security contributions is defined as a gross salary
 banking system, transfer pricing adjustments, personal   As of January 1, 2021, the withholding tax rate for   As for other indirect taxes, Greece applies a flat stamp duty   of EUR 7,373.53.
 consumption expenditure, bad debts without legal actions,   dividends distribution is reduced to 5% for both individuals   rate of 1.2%, 2.4%, or 3.6% to certain transactions outside
 payments to low tax rate jurisdictions, non-paid SSC,   the scope of VAT, such as non-residential rents, loans, etc.
 and the shareholders of legal entities. Interest payment
 is subject to a tax rate of 15% and the corresponding rate
 Transfer pricing in Greece  for royalties is 20%. Greece has incorporated 57 treaties
 on the avoidance of double taxation. If a DTT is applicable,
 Arm's length principle   ü  Since 1994  the above-listed rates can be reduced. With the adoption
 Documentation liability  ü  Since 2008  of the EU Parent Subsidiary Directive, under certain
 conditions there is no withholding tax on dividends,
 APA  ü  Since 2014  interests, and royalties paid on EU (including Greece)
 Country-by-Country   Since 2016  intragroup transactions.
 liability  ü
 Master file-local file   A real estate property tax applies in cases of immovable   Wage related taxes in Greece         Minimum wage  Average wage
 (OECD BEPS 13)   ü  Since 2015  property ownership, while legal entities holding real estate   in private sector
 applicable  located in Greece may be additionally charged with the   in EUR     in EUR
 Penalty  15% Special Estate Tax imposed on the objective value   780             1,445
 1% of TP transactions (EUR   of the property if the beneficial owner or the individual
 500–2,000) for inaccuracy/  shareholder is not known to the Greek authorities. A list   Total wage cost*   954      122%   1,767      122%
 incompleteness. The penalty   of exemptions is provided under certain conditions.
 is imposed for the late   Employer's social security contribution**   174      22.29%   322           22.29%
 submission of the Summary   Capital gains from shares and immovable property are
 lack of documentation   ü  Information Table only   taxed as normal business profits (22%) for corporations   Gross salary   780      100%   1,445      100%
 when the total amount   and at a flat rate of 15% for individuals. For individuals, the   Personal income tax***   -        -   74      9%/22%/28%/36%/44%
 of transactions to be verified   15% for capital gains arising from the sale of immovable   Special Solidarity Contribution ****
 is altered and the difference   property has been postponed until December 31, 2024.
 > EUR 200,000.                     Employees' contributions   108      13.87%      200                13.87%
 For non-submission, a fine   VAT and other indirect taxes      Net salary   672      86%   1,171         81%
 of 1% of TP transactions
 (min EUR 2,500,   The standard VAT rate in Greece is 24%, while the reduced   * Per payroll period (there are 14 payroll periods per year).
 max. EUR 10,000)   **  Most common social security contributions rate (for full timers) regarding usual employment properties.
 tax shortage  ü  is applied. A penalty   rate is 13% (e.g. for agricultural services, accommodation   *** A tax reduction is provided for the taxpayer based on the number of dependents in conjunction with the total taxable income.
 up to EUR 20,000 can   services, certain types of foodstuffs) and 6% (e.g. journals,   **** Not applicable for 2024.
 be imposed for a missing   books, medicines, supply of electricity and gas). VAT-
 documentation file.  exempt activities include financial and banking services,
 Direct or indirect   insurance, medical services, and education (subject
 control or management
 Related parties  > 33%  to certain conditions). Pursuant to the provisions of Art.
 dependence, or exercise   53 par.  of Law 5073/2023, reduced VAT rates were   Nikolaos Kasouridis
 of decisive influence.  expanded to several products and services (non-alcohol   Tax Partner
 Safe harbors  No  –  beverages) until June 2024. Regarding cinema tickets   Phone: +30 210 6993749
 Level of attention paid by Tax   and the transportation of individuals and their luggage,   Mobile: +30 6937050114
 Authority  10/10  reduced VAT rates were expanded without time limitation.   E-mail:

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