Page 18 - CEE Tax Guide 2024
P. 18

Estonia                                                                                                                 VAT options                                        3)  The products listed in Annex V of the VAT Directive and
                                                                                                                                                                                        which can be placed into a licensed VAT warehouse;
                                                                                                                                   in Estonia             Applicable / limits         4)  Supply of services which are not deemed to be supplied

                                                                                                                                   Distance selling     From 1 July, 2021, the OSS system   in Estonia.
                                                                                                                                                               is applicable.         Until December 31, 2025, a taxable person will be entitled,
                               ATTELA Law Firm                                                                                     Call-off stock                  ü                  on the basis of a written contract concluded before May 1,
                                                                                                                                                                                      2023, to apply the 20% VAT rate applicable to the supply
                               Ahtri 6a, Tallinn,                                                                                  VAT group registration          ü                  of goods or services, provided that the relevant contract
                               Estonia                                                                                             Cash accounting – yearly    – Cash accounting possible   provides that the price of the goods or services includes
                               Phone: +372 5090647                                                                                 amount in EUR (approx.)  ü up to EUR 200,000 yearly.  VAT at a rate of 20%, or a 20% VAT rate % is added to the
                                                                                                                                   Import VAT deferment            ü                  price and the contract does not provide for a change in the
                                                                                                                                   Local reverse charge     ü  – on certain goods     price resulting from a possible change in the rate of VAT.
                                                                                                                                                                                      Other indirect tax types in Estonia include excise duty and
                                                                                                                                   Option for taxation                                the environmental protection charge.
                                                                                                                                       letting of real estate  ü  – in some cases     Personal income tax / Social security system
           Corporate taxes and other direct taxes              payments of income tax on the previous quarter's profit,            supply of used real estate  ü  – in some cases
                                                               at a rate of 14%. These advance payments can be taken into          VAT registration                                   Estonia has a proportional (i.e. flat) tax rate of 20% which
           Income derived by a resident company                consideration when distributing profits and calculating             threshold                   > EUR 40,000           applies to all items of income derived by any resident
           is not taxed if retained. Upon distribution, CIT is levied   income tax liability. From July 1, 2020, qualifying resident                                                  taxpayer. The gross income of resident individuals includes
           at a rate of 20/80 (25%) of the net amount of the profit   shipping companies have the option to apply the tonnage     and the intra-Community supply of goods and certain   their worldwide income from all sources, irrespective of the
           distribution, corresponding to 20% on the gross amount   tax regime to income earned from qualifying international     services is 0% (i.e. exemption with credit).        origin of the income.
           (distribution + CIT) of the distribution.           shipping activities, with a tax rate of 20%. From 2025             VAT and all other taxes are administered by the Estonian   Taxable income includes both active income such
           Dividends distributed in an amount lower than or equal   onwards, the income tax rate will be 22/78, and the           Tax and Customs Board ( The following   as employment and business income, as well as passive
           to the amount of the average of distributed dividends   reduced rate of 14/86 will be eliminated.                      transactions are subject to Estonian VAT:           income. An annual basic exemption of EUR 7,848
           in the preceding 3 years, on which income tax has been                                                                 1)  The supply of goods and provision of services with   is provided for an annual income of up to EUR 14,400.
           paid by the resident taxpayer, are taxed at a rate of 14/86.   The following payments are subject to withholding tax     a place of supply in Estonia;                     If annual income increases from EUR 14,400 to EUR
           If dividends are paid to individuals, whether resident   (unless tax treaty restricts or reduces the rate):            2)  The import of goods into Estonia;               25,200, the basic exemption decreases proportionally.
           or non-resident, and the distributing company has paid   1)  7% withholding tax applies to dividend payments           3)  Intra-Community acquisition of goods in Estonia;  If annual income is above EUR 25,200, the basic
           the lower 14/86 rate or operates under the tonnage tax   made to resident or non-resident individuals (applies         4)  The supply of goods or services specified in the Estonian   exemption drops to 0.
           regime, an additional 7% withholding tax is imposed   to dividends taxed at a lower tax rate).                           VAT Act, providing the taxable person has opted for   The Estonian social tax of 33% (comprising 20% social
           on the individual recipient, unless a lower rate applies   2)  Royalties (including payments for the use of industrial,   taxation thereof. Certain forms of supply are subject   security contributions and 13% health insurance
           under a tax treaty. However, no withholding tax is applied   commercial, or scientific equipment) paid to non-           to a 0% rate (i.e. exemption with credit or zero-rating),   contributions) must be paid by employers in addition
           if the recipient is a company. Since 2018, resident credit   residents are generally subject to 10% withholding tax      including, but not limited to:                    to the gross salary. Currently, employees are not
           institutions and Estonian branches of non-resident credit   under domestic law.                                            1)  The export of goods;                        required to make any personal social tax contributions.
           institutions are required to make quarterly advance   3)  20% on rental payments to non-residents for the use              2)  Intra-Community supply of goods;            The Estonian pension system is based on three pillars.
                                                                 of immovable property located in Estonia, and movable
            Transfer pricing in Estonia                          property subject to registration in Estonia.
                                                               4)  Interest, royalties, and rental payments to resident            Wage related taxes in Estonia                       Minimum wage                Average wage
            Arm's length principle   ü     Since 2007            individuals.                                                                                                                                     in private sector
            Documentation                  Since 2007          5)  10% on payments to non-resident companies for                                                                       in EUR                     in EUR
            liability           ü                                services provided in Estonia.                                                                                             820                      1,849
            APA                 No             –               6)  Salaries, directors’ fees, and service fees paid
            Country-by-Country              Since 2016           to individuals.                                                   Total wage cost                                       1,097      133.80%         2,474      133.80%
            liability           ü                              7)  10% on payments for the activities of non-resident                                    Vocational training contribution    -
            Master file-local file                               artists or athletes carried out in Estonia.                                                    Social Contribution tax    271      33.00%           610      33.00%
            (OECD BEPS 13)      ü          Since 2019          8)  Certain pensions, insurance benefits, scholarships,                                    Health Insurance Contribution     7       0.80%             15       0.80%
            applicable                                           prizes, lottery winnings, alimony, etc. paid to non-
                                                                 residents and resident individuals.                               Gross salary                                           820      100.00%          1,849      100.00%
            Penalty                                                                                                                                              Personal income tax*      27      20.00%            320      20.00%
             lack of documentation  –          –               VAT and other indirect taxes                                         Employees' Social contributions (inc. Funded pension II pillar)   16      1.49%   37       1.49%
                                       20/80 tax on gross value
                       tax shortage  ü   of underpayment       VAT applies to the supply of goods and services performed                                 Employees' Health contributions    13      1.20%             30       1.20%
                                       + late payment interest  by a taxable person in the course of their business activities     Net salary                                             763      93.07%           1,462      79.07%
                                       The concept of a related   in Estonia.
                                      person encompasses a wide   A taxable person is one who is engaged in business,             * Salary 0–14,400 ALL PIT rate 0%.
                                        range of relationships.   that is, independent economic activity in the course              Salary 14,001–25,200 due to change in tax exempt income, the effective PIT rate varies proportionally.
            Related parties    Broad   It includes all persons who   of which goods or services are supplied, and is registered     Salary over 25,200 ALL PIT rate 20%.
                             definition  share a common economic
                                      interest or where one holds   or required to register for VAT.
                                       a dominant position over   The standard 20% rate applies to the supply of all goods                       Marko Saag
                                            the other.         and services not qualifying for the reduced rate of 9%                            Partner I Attorney-at-law
            Safe harbors        No             –               or exemption. A reduced rate applies to accommodation,                            Phone: +372 5090647
            Level of attention paid by Tax                     books, certain periodicals, listed pharmaceutical products,                       E-mail:
            Authority                         9/10             and medical devices. The VAT rate on the export of goods,

           18    Mazars                                                      Central and Eastern European tax guide 2024          Central and Eastern European tax guide 2024                                             Mazars   19
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