Page 3 - MAZARS 2024
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Contents  Welcome to the CEE tax guide 2024

   3  Introduction   34   Lithuania

   4   Tax review 2024 /     36    Moldova

 An overview of taxation
 system within CEE   38    Montenegro
           Welcome to Mazars’ twelfth annual Central and Eastern   of competitiveness in the region. What are these factors?
           European tax guide. The main purpose of our brochure   They primarily include the rates of taxes and employment
   5   Countries included    40   North Macedonia  is to provide an overview of the tax systems in the CEE   contributions: in addition to listing the relevant tax and
 in the publication  region. In recent years, the list of participating countries   contribution rates, we also provide examples for various
                                                               salary levels and family statuses. Other key factors include
           has continuously expanded: we started out with
  42   Poland  15 countries in 2013, and this year’s edition now contains   the rates and special features of value added tax, as well
   6   Albania  data for 25 jurisdictions. Alongside the ‘core’ Central   as the corporate income tax system. A separate table
                                                               summarizes and compares major CIT characteristics such
           European countries like Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia,
  44   Romania  and Poland (the so-called Visegrád Group), southeast   as tax allowances for research and development activities
   8   Austria  Europe, Germany, Austria, Ukraine, Romania, Moldova,   or loss carry-forward regulations, group taxation, interest
           and the Baltic states are also included. The Mazars offices
                                                               deduction limitations, etc. Moreover, readers are also
  46   Serbia  in Central Asian countries (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and   provided a quick overview of the main features of each
  10   Bosnia and Herzegovina  Uzbekistan) have also contributed to the tax guide.  country’s transfer pricing regulations.
  48   Slovakia  In the first section, the tax systems of the CEE region   Before making any strategic business decisions, further
           are presented country-by-country, based on data
                                                               discussion and detailed analysis are always required.
  12    Bulgaria  provided by the relevant Mazars offices. The end of this   To that end, we have included the direct contact
  50   Slovenia  guide contains summary tables that allow side-by-side   information of our offices and experts. Please feel free
           comparisons of the relevant tax environments.
                                                               to get in touch with the relevant people with any questions
  14   Croatia  The primary aim of the publication is to allow for   or clarifications you might have.
  52   Ukraine  comparisons to be made between the fundamental factors   We hope you find this guide useful.

  16   Czech Republic
  54  Uzbekistan          Dr. Dániel H. Nagy LL.M.
 18    Estonia            Partner
  56   Labour-related tax burdens in   Head of Tax and Legal Services
                          Mazars in Hungary
  20   Germany  the CEE region

  22   Greece   57   Minimum wages and average
 wages in 2024

  24   Hungary   58   Tax rates in the countries of the
 CEE region
  26   Kazakhstan
  60   Corporate income tax key

  28   Kosovo  features

  30   Kyrgyzstan   64   Pillar 2 implementation

  32   Latvia   66  Contacts

 2  Mazars  Central and Eastern European tax guide 2024  Central and Eastern European tax guide 2024  Mazars  3
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