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Tax review 2024  taxpayers. Although Hungary has the lowest general rate   Finally, it is also interesting to see how governments try
           of 9%, it should also be noted that in certain sectors the
                                                               to consolidate state budgets during the energy crisis
 An overview of taxation system within CEE   overall profit tax rate may be as high as 50%.   caused by the war in the Ukraine; for example, Hungary and
           There is only one country where the profit tax rate has
                                                               the Czech Republic introduced co-called windfall taxes
           been reduced (in Austria, from 24% to 23%). On the other   on specific sectors.
           hand, the rate has gone up to 21 and 22% in the Czech   Transfer pricing (TP)
           Republic and Slovenia, respectively. The European Union
           consciously strives to limit the tax race and to prevent   The OECD’s BEPS (“Base Erosion and Profit Shifting”)
 Introduction  is less than EUR 260 and is around EUR 400-500 in some   the use of the most harmful tax avoidance techniques.   initiative drew attention to the fact that tax authorities
 of the former Yugoslav countries as well as in Albania   An important tool in this effort was the Anti-Tax Avoidance   need to concentrate more on possible cross-border
 We are proud to announce that, thanks to the cooperation   and Bulgaria, the minimum wage is around EUR 700-  Directive (ATAD and ATAD II), officially known as Directives   transactions within corporate groups. Transfer pricing
 of the Mazars offices, this is now our twelfth publication.   1000 in a significant part of the region (Czech Republic,   (EU) 2016/1164 and 2017/952. The greatest challenge for   regulations had previously appeared in the tax systems
 This brochure aims to provide current information   Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Greece, Croatia, and   many EU Member States has been the adoption of these   of practically all countries. Starting from 2023, Hungarian
 on taxation in the 22 European states concerned,   the Baltic States). This is still incomparable with the values   EU rules. For example, as a consequence of the ATAD, the   taxpayers are also obliged to submit a transfer pricing
 supplemented by 3 Central Asian countries, effective   of Slovenia (EUR 1,250) or those of Germany and Austria   previous rules on thin capitalization were increasingly   related report as part of their annual corporate income tax
 as of January 2024.   (over EUR 2,000). Last year, the average wage level in the   replaced or supplemented by the method tied to EBITDA-  return. In addition, taxpayers operating in the CEE region
 We firmly believe that this publication will help investors   private sector, which shows similar differences in the   based interest limitation calculation. The standardization   also had to participate actively in the implementation
 understand the complexities of the various CEE tax   region, increased by an average of 10%. This, of course,   of offshore (controlled foreign corporation, CFC) rules can   of the CBC reporting system (OECD’s “country-by-country
 regimes by highlighting the latest developments and   shows significant fluctuation between countries, and   also be traced back to the ATAD. Exit taxation regulations   reporting”), which promotes transparency by providing
 trends characteristic of the tax regimes of the given   given the varying level of inflation, its impact is also very   have also appeared in many countries.  local tax authorities with the information necessary
 countries.   different. For instance, in Croatia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, and   Without exception, CEE countries applying traditional   for evaluating tax risks. As of 2024, even Moldova has
 Employment Taxes  Poland the increase in average wages (14%, 16%, 17%, and   corporate taxation allow the carrying forward of losses   introduced a mandatory TP documentation obligation.
 25% respectively) exceeded the inflation rate (8%, 7%,   acquired in previous years and putting them against the   Pillar II (GloBE Minimum Tax)
 The tax rates on income and employment show significant   9%, and 11% respectively). At the same time, in Hungary   positive tax base of later years. This amount can only
 differences in the countries in question. Half of the   the rise of salaries (11%) could not keep up with record-  be used for the purpose during a predetermined period,   Right now, the hot topic of international taxation is the
 countries apply a flat-rate personal income tax (such   high inflation (17%). In the Czech Republic and Slovakia,   usually 5 to 7 years, but in some places the limit is set   introduction of global minimum taxation, based on the so-
 as Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, and Ukraine; ranging   inflation-adjusted wages also decreased.    at 3 to 4 years.   called Pillar II framework of the G20/OECD. In December
 between 10 and 20%), while others prefer progressive   Value-added tax  The states of the region readily apply a withholding   2022 the EU Council adopted EU Directive 2022/2523,
 tax rates (e.g. Austria, Germany, and Slovenia, as well   tax on interest, dividend, and royalty revenues   on the basis of which EU countries must implement the
 as Croatia and Slovakia) where the upper tax rates are   Due to EU regulations, the rules of value-added tax are   (at a rate of 15%, or even 19-20%). Naturally, these   EU Directive into their domestic legislation. Based on the
 often as high as 50%.     harmonized for the most part, and many non-EU Member   can only be applied in the light of the provisions of the   responses received, this has already happened in eleven
 States are also trying to align themselves with the   corresponding tax agreements. However, Latvia and   countries: Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech
 On average, the costs of social taxes and contributions   Community system. However, applicable tax rates show   Hungary still do not generally apply withholding taxes   Republic, Germany, Hungary, North Macedonia, Romania,
 burdening employers in the region is 16% of gross salaries,   significant differences. In 2024, general tax rates averaged   on capital income.  Slovakia, and Slovenia.
 though significant differences (of over 30 percentage   around 20% in the region. The normal VAT rate of 25% and   In most countries in the CEE region, taxpayers are allowed   A set of complicated and interlocked rules were put
 points) are apparent between the lowest employer   27%, effective in Croatia and Hungary, respectively, still   to prepare an IFRS-based individual financial statement   in place to ensure minimum effective taxation for
 burdens (Lithuania, Kosovo, and Romania: no more than   count as especially high. Examining the reduced tax rates   and use it for tax purposes as well. Many CEE countries   corporate groups with an annual revenue of at least EUR
 5%) and the highest employer contributions (e.g. Austria   provides an even more diverse image. Many countries   offer tax incentives to encourage companies to invest   750 million. Based on these rules, a so-called “qualifying
 and Slovakia: around 29 and 36%, respectively) in this case   have introduced two reduced rates, which is the maximum   in research and development (R&D).    domestic top-up tax” should be collected if the effective
 as well. However, this shows only that some jurisdictions   permitted by Directive 2006/112/EC (VAT Directive).   It is good to keep in mind that corporate group taxation   tax rate in a given jurisdiction is below 15%. It is clear that
 prefer to levy payroll taxes on employees rather than   VAT group taxation is available in Hungary, Austria,   is available in Hungary, Austria, Germany, Poland, Romania,   there are increasingly few opportunities for multinational
 on employers, which makes systems hard to compare   Germany, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, North   Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro.   companies to engage in profit-shifting.
 based on tax rates alone.  Macedonia, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia. An increasing
 A much more suitable method to compare systems   number of jurisdictions in the region are implementing
 is to examine the so-called tax wedge. This is the ratio   new systems to improve compliance and reduce fraud,
 between the total amount of taxes and contributions paid   such as electronic invoicing, online VAT registration and   Countries included in the publication
 in connection with employment and the corresponding   filing, and real-time reporting.
 total labor costs for the employer. The tax wedge shows   Starting in 2024, Hungary introduced the so called
 the percentage of labor costs that, in any form, go to the   e-VAT system with the aim of making VAT administration
 state budget. In 2024, this indicator varies between   easier. Under the new regime, the Tax Authority provides
 14 and 49%, with an average of 38%. Compared to last   taxpayers with draft VAT statements based on online
 year’s figure of 36%, this has moved a bit further away   invoice reporting data.
 from the OECD average of 35%. In the case of EU Member   Poland and Romania have implemented the Standard
 States in the CEE region, the average of 42% can   Audit File for Tax (SAF-T), which is a standardized XML
 definitely be considered to be high. Of course, due   file format for exchanging accounting data between
 to progressive tax rates, the value may be somewhat lower   businesses and tax authorities.
 in the case of lower income rates and higher in the case
 of higher rates.   Corporate income tax

 All of the above should obviously be evaluated in light   Various countries emphasize different factors when taxing
 of the wage level in the given country, which is the   corporate profit. Countries in the region typically keep the
 factor where the countries of the region display the   headline CIT rates around 15-22%. The reality is, however,
 most significant spread. While the minimum wage in the   often more complex, as a number of countries, like Poland
 Central European countries of Kosovo and Moldova   and Slovakia, also have beneficial tax rates for smaller
 4  Mazars  Central and Eastern European tax guide 2024  Central and Eastern European tax guide 2024  Mazars  5
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