Page 7 - MAZARS 2024
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The definition of employment income also encompasses
 Albania    VAT options in         Applicable / limits         income earned by a self-employed individual, if at least
                                                               80% of the revenue earned is derived directly or indirectly
            Distance selling                No                 from a single customer or if at least 90% of the total
                                                               revenue earned is derived from 2 clients. However, such
            Call-off stock                  No                 criteria do not apply if the self-employed individual
 Mazars SHPK  VAT group registration        No                 provides services only to non-tax residents in Albania.
 Rr. Emin Duraku,  Cash accounting – yearly                    A progressive rate is applicable on employment income;
 Pall. “Binjaket”, Nr.5, Tirana  amount in EUR (approx.)  No   no tax is applied to monthly incomes of up to ALL 50,000;
 Albania    Import VAT deferment            No                 the rate is 13% for income up to ALL 60,000 for the amount
 Phone: +355 (0) 42 278 015                                    over ALL 35,000; 13% for income up to ALL 200,000 for                                                 the amount over ALL 30,000. Above that level, ALL 22,100
                                 For all services from non-resident   plus 23% of the amount above ALL 200,000 is payable.
            Local reverse charge  entities that are subject to VAT
                                     in their own country.     – business income
                                                               The income derived from the business activity of self-
 Corporate taxes and other direct taxes       • Any entity which operates a 4- or 5-star hotel and that   Option for taxation  employed or entrepreneurs is considered as business
                                                               income and is taxed as such;
 acquires the status of special investor by December   letting of real estate  ü  Net business income up to ALL 14 million are taxed with
 A new income tax was introduced with effect from January 1,   2024 will be exempt from CIT for the first 10 years   15% personal income tax and 23% personal income tax
 2024. Resident companies are subject to corporate   of their operation.  supply of used real estate  No  is applied to net business income over ALL 14 million.
 income tax on their worldwide income, while non-resident   The assessment of CIT is based on the FS prepared   VAT registration    EUR 95,240/year  Entrepreneurs and self-employed individuals
 companies are taxed only on income that is derived from   in accordance with the National Accounting Standards   threshold  realizing an annual turnover up to ALL 14 million shall
 sources in Albania.   or IFRS, subject to certain adjustments for tax purposes   continue to be subject to 0% tax until 2029, with the
 The standard Corporate Income Tax is assessed   as specified in the Corporate Income Tax Law and other   This will be possible in the special cases specified in the   exception of self-employed individuals providing
 on a current-year basis at the rate of 15%:  supplementary legal acts. Fiscal losses may be carried   Ministry of Finance directive. Customs duty rates range   professional services.
 A Reduced Corporate Income Tax Rate is applicable for   forward for up to five consecutive years. The law does   between 0% and 15%, depending on the type of goods and
 certain specific industries:   not provide for consolidated tax returns. Each company   the country of the origin.  – income from investments is taxed at a flat rate of 15%.
   • 5% for entities dealing with software and   forming part of a group must file a separate tax return.  Mandatory social security and health insurance
 IT development, up to December 31, 2025;  Personal income tax / Social security system  contributions are due on employment income. The social
   • 5% for entities operating in the automotive industry,   The gross amounts of interest, royalties, dividends, and   According to the New Income Law, personal income   security contribution is calculated based on the monthly
 shares of partnerships’ profits paid to non-resident
 up to December 31, 2029;                                      gross salary, from a minimum amount of ALL 40,000
   • 5% for entities performing their activities in accordance   companies are subject to a withholding tax of 15%, unless   is categorized in three types of income;  (approximately EUR 380) to a maximum amount of ALL
 a double taxation treaty (DTT) provides for a lower rate.
 with the Law on Entities of Agriculture Collaboration,   Albania has established agreements with 43 countries for   – employment income  176,416 (approximately EUR 1,680). The social contribution
 up to December 31, 2029;  Employment income includes wages, salaries, allowances,   payable by the employer is 15%, while the rate payable
   • 5% for entities operating in the agritourism industry,   the avoidance of double taxation. 41 of these have been   other compensations, and bonuses derived from   by the employee is 9.5%. The health insurance contribution
 ratified and are currently in force.
 up to December 2029;  employment or similar relations.        rate is 1.7% for both the employer and the employee.
 Tax on dividends is 8%.
 The customs duty rates range between 0% and 15%,
 Transfer pricing in Albania  depending on the type of goods and the country   Wage related taxes in Albania  Minimum wage  Average wage
 Arm's length principle   ü  Since 1998  of the origin.                                    in private sector
 Documentation liability  ü  Since 2014  Local taxes consist of different categories of taxes.  Exchange rate ALL/EUR                                                   105  in EUR  in ALL  in EUR  in ALL
 APA  ü  Since 2014  VAT and other indirect taxes                  381       40,000           667      70,000
 Country-by-Country   Since 2019  Any person (entity or individual) that makes supplies in the   Total wage cost    445  116.70%   778  116.70%
 liability  ü  course of an independent economic activity is required   Vocational training contribution    -   -
 Master file-local file                  Social contribution tax    57      15.00%            100      15.00%
 (OECD BEPS 13)   ü  –  to pay VAT. For domestic supplies and for services
 applicable  subject to the reverse-charge mechanism, the Albanian   Health Insurance contribution   6  1.70%   11  1.70%
 Penalty     taxable person will always be liable to account for VAT.   Gross salary   381  100.00%   667  100.00%
 The obligation to register for VAT purposes and charge VAT
 ~ Delayed submission                     Personal income tax*       -       0.00%             50      13.00%
 lack of documentation   ü  of documentation – EUR 80 /   is triggered when annual turnover exceeds ALL 10 million
 for each month of delay.   (approx. EUR 95,240).  Employees' social contributions   36  9.50%   63     9.50%
 0.06% on a daily basis    Persons involved in import or export activities and   Employees' health contributions   6  1.70%   11  1.70%
 (not more than 365 days)   Net salary
 tax shortage  ü  on tax underpayment    taxpayers supplying professional services must register for    338  88.80%   542  81.37%
 + late payment interest  VAT regardless of the amount of turnover. The applicable   *   Salary 0–50,000 ALL PIT rate 0%.
 A person holding   VAT regimes are: 0%, 6% and 20%.  Salary 50,001–60,000 ALL PIT rate 13% of the amount over 35,000 ALL.
            Salary 60,001–200,000 ALL PIT rate 15% of the amount over 30,000 ALL.
 or controlling 50% or more   Customs duties in the Republic of Albania are applied   Salary over 200,000 ALL PIT 22,100 ALL + 23% of the amount over 200,000 ALL.
 Related parties  > 50%  of shares, or directly   by the customs authorities on the import of goods.
 or indirectly controlling the
 other company.  The liability to pay duty always falls on the importer of the   Teit Gjini
 goods and is added to the cost of goods; in this way,
 Safe harbors  No  –  it is finally transferred to the consumer. Starting from   Managing Partner
 Level of attention paid by Tax   01/15/2020, credit obligations or surpluses, such as tax   Mobile: +355 (0) 69 20 37 456
 Authority  8/10  and customs, may be offset between them.    E-mail:

 6  Mazars  Central and Eastern European tax guide 2024  Central and Eastern European tax guide 2024  Mazars  7
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