Page 65 - CEE Tax Guide 2024
P. 65

Pillar 2 implementation

 Was the Council Directive   (EU) 2022/2523   implemented into the   local legislation?  Did the local legislation   implement IIR?  Did the local legislation   implement UTPR?  Did the local legislation   implement QDMTT?  What tax types qualify   as covered taxes under   the GloBE rules?  Does the local law   include any significant   difference compared   to the Directive?  Was the Council Directive   (EU) 2022/2523   implemented into the   local legislation?  Did the

 New Law effective from   Kazakhstan            N/A     N/A     N/A            N/A                 N/A
 Albania  ü  ü  ü  ü  N/A  January 2024 is partially   No
 aligned with the Directive.

 Austria  ü  ü  ü  ü  Corporate income tax   No  Kosovo  No  N/A  N/A  N/A  Corporate Income Tax   5%

 BH (Fed.)  No  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  Kyrgyzstan  No  N/A  N/A  N/A         N/A                 N/A

 BH (Rep.)  No  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  Latvia  No  N/A  N/A   N/A            N/A                 N/A

 The covered taxes
 of a constituent entity shall   Lithuania  No  N/A     N/A     N/A            N/A                 N/A
 extend to:
 1. the expenses charged for taxes
 with respect to the profit and
 income of the constituent entity;   Moldova  No  N/A   N/A     N/A            N/A                 N/A
 a tax upon profit distribution
 or what qualifies as such,
 Bulgaria  ü  ü  ü  ü  as well as a tax on non-business   No  Montenegro  No  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A   N/A
 expenses under an eligible
 profit distribution tax system;
 alternative taxes imposed
 instead of corporate tax;
 a tax on retained earnings and   North Macedonia  ü  ü  ü      ü               –                   –
 equity, including on multiple
 components based on profit,
 income, and equity.
            Poland                    No        N/A     N/A     N/A            N/A                 N/A
 There is no distinction between
 Croatia  ü  ü  ü  ü  local law and the provisions   No
                                                                                              Romania must notify
                                                                       Corporate Income Tax or any
 of the Directive.
                                                                       substitute, taxes on distributed   the EC of the election
 Taxes reported in the                                                  profits, payments qualifying   of the QDMTT within
                                                                                             4 months following the
                                                                        as profit distributions, and
 entity's financial statements   Romania  ü     ü       ü       ü      non-business expenses, taxes   adoption of the domestic
 Czech Republic  ü  ü  ü  ü  based on its income or profit,   No        on retained earnings and   law, meaning by end
 i.e. CIT including capital gain
 tax, windfall tax, and adjusted                                           corporate equity.    of April 2024.
 deferred tax.
            Serbia                    No        N/A     N/A     N/A            N/A                 N/A
 Estonia  No  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A
 No, but the option for the
 national supplementary tax                                              Tax declared in financial
 Corporate and trade tax as well   was taken, which applies   Slovakia  ü  No  No  ü  statements of constituent entity   No
 Germany  ü  ü  ü  ü  as the solidarity surcharge,   if domestic business units   in relation to its income (profit).
 capital gains tax.  of a foreign group are
 subject to an effective tax
 of less than 15%.
            Slovenia                   ü        ü       ü       ü           Income tax             No
 Greece  No  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A

 Hungarian legislation   Ukraine      No        N/A     N/A     N/A            N/A                 N/A
 allows taxpayers
 Corporate income tax, local
 to compute their GloBE
 Hungary  ü  ü  ü  ü  business tax, innovation   tax liability based on the
 contribution, Robin Hood tax.
 Hungarian Accounting   Uzbekistan    No        N/A     N/A     N/A            N/A                 N/A

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