Page 35 - CEE Tax Guide 2024
P. 35

Lithuania  The general rate is 21%, the reduced rates are 9% (e.g.   Other income (e.g. interest, royalties, capital gains,
           books, central heating, public transportation, tourist
                                                               rental income) is taxable at a PIT rate of 15% in case such
           accommodation, cultural activities) and 5% (e.g. medicine,   income does not exceed EUR 228,324 per calendar year
           journals, newspapers, and technical aids for the disabled).   in 2024. PIT at the rate of 20% is applied to amounts that
           The options/limits based on the EU Directive are presented   exceed this.
           within the VAT legislation.
 UAB Mazars Lithuania Tax  Other types of indirect tax in Lithuania include excise duty,   Income in general is recognized at the moment of its
 Konstitucijos av. 18B, Vilnius,  the environmental protection charge, and the data storage   actual receipt.
 Lithuania  device tax.                                        The gross salaries of employees are also subject
 Phone: +370 615 44 719                                        to social contributions at a rate of 19.5%, which the  Personal income tax / Social security system   employer is required to deduct. The employer also
                                                               has to pay 1.77% in social contributions on top of the
           Employment-related income, board member fees, royalties   employee’s gross salary. An additional 3% contribution
           received from an employer, and income under a civil   may be paid by individuals who have decided
           agreement received by a manager of a small partnership   to accumulate an additional pension (the employer
           who is a member of the small partnership are taxed at the   is required to deduct this tax).
 Corporate taxes and other direct taxes     company to a foreign company. Lithuania has a wide   rate of 20% in cases where income does not exceed EUR
 international treaty network with more than 50 double   114,162 per calendar year in 2024. PIT at a rate of 32%   Lithuania is subject to EU regulations laying down social
 The general rate for corporate income tax is 15%   tax treaties.  is applied to excess amounts.  security principles for persons migrating between
 in Lithuania. An incentive corporate income tax rate   Income from profit distribution is taxable at a flat PIT   EU Member States.
 of 5% is applied to small companies with an annual   Companies are also subject to two types of taxes   rate of 15%.
 turnover of up to EUR 300,000 and with no more than   on capital:
 10 employees. Small companies can apply a 0% corporate     • Immovable property tax: tax on property deemed
 income tax rate for their first financial year.
 to be immovable by law and located in Lithuania
 In Lithuania, the ordinary losses incurred may be carried   (buildings and constructions, unfinished constructions
 forward to the subsequent taxable periods for an unlimited   excepted). The annual tax rate varies from 0.5% to 3%
 time, as long as the entity continues the activities that   of the taxable value of immovable property. Tax rates are
 generated the losses. The amount of losses carried over   set by municipalities according to the territory where
 to the subsequent taxable periods is limited to 70%   the immovable property is located. The tax period
 of taxable profit for the corresponding taxable period.   is a calendar year.
 The 70% limit does not apply to small companies. Capital     • Land tax: tax on land owned in Lithuania, to be paid
 losses associated with the transfer of derivative financial   by both resident and non-resident entities and
 instruments and securities may only be carried forward for   individuals. The tax rate varies from 0.01% to 4%   Wage related taxes in Lithuania  Minimum wage  Average wage
 5 years and can only be covered from future capital gains.  of the taxable value of the land. Tax rates are set   in private sector
 by municipalities and depend on the location of the
 Under certain conditions there is no withholding tax   land. The tax period is a calendar year.  in EUR   in EUR
 on dividends, interest, or royalty paid by a Lithuanian          924                       1,903
 VAT and other indirect taxes      Total wage cost                 940      101.77%          1,936      101.77%
 Transfer pricing in Lithuania  VAT options in   Social contribution tax   16      1.77%       34       1.77%

 Arm's length principle   ü  Since 2004  Lithuania  Applicable / limits  Gross salary   924      100.00%   1,903      100.00%
 Documentation liability  ü  Since 2004   Personal income tax*      35      20.00%            329      20.00%
 Distance selling  EUR 10,000/year; the OSS system
 APA  ü  Since 2012  is applicable.  Employees' social contributions   180      19.50%        371      19.50%
 Country-by-Country   Since 2016  Net salary                       708      76.67%           1,203      63.21%
 liability  ü  Call-off stock  ü
           * Non-taxable allowance of EUR 747 (on minimum wage) and EUR 257.5 (on average wage)
 Master file-local file   VAT group registration  No
 (OECD BEPS 13)   ü  Since 2019  Cash accounting – yearly
 applicable  amount in EUR (approx.)  No, it is an optional regime for
 agricultural producers only.
 Penalty  Import VAT deferment
 EUR 1,820 – 5,590   ü
 lack of documentation   ü  (EUR 3,770 – 6,000 for   Taking over property as a transfer
 recurrences)  of contribution to a legal entity;
 taking over a material improvement
 20% – 100%   Local reverse charge  of a building; supply of certain types
 on tax underpayment + late   of scrap metal; supply of construction
 tax shortage  ü  payment interest; fines can   services; supply of mobile phones,
 be doubled for recurrences.   tablets, and laptops (applicable until
 December 31, 2026).
 Option for taxation
 Related parties  > 25%  Direct or indirect control.
 letting of real estate  ü  Jūratė Zarankiené
 Safe harbors  ü  Low value-added services:   supply of used real estate  ü  Managing Partner
 5% mark-up.
                          Mobile: +370 658 10 343
 Level of attention paid by Tax   VAT registration    Local taxable person – EUR 45,000   E-mail:
 Authority  9/10  threshold  /12 months; Foreign taxable person – No.
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