Page 39 - CEE Tax Guide 2024
P. 39

Montenegro  as a residence) is taxed at rates ranging from 0.3% to 1.5%.   only on income derived from Montenegro. Montenegro has
           Illegally built objects are taxed at between 0.3% and 2%,
                                                               progressive taxation for salaries (taxed at the rate of 0% /
           whereas undeveloped construction land is taxed at 0.3%   9% / 15%) and income stemming from self-employment
           to 5% range.                                        (taxed at a rate of 9% or 15%). There is also a flat rate
                                                               of 15%, which is applicable for other sources of income
           VAT and other indirect taxes                        (e.g. capital gains, interest, etc.).
 Mazars d.o.o. Belgrade                                        Active incomes fall under the scope of the SSC system:
 11070 – Belgrade,  The general rate is 21%, the reduced rate is 7% (e.g.   an individual’s social contributions equal 15.5% altogether.
 Bulevar Milutina Milankovica 11g,    bread, milk, accommodation services, medications,   These include contributions for pensions (15%) and
 Serbia    tourist rent, restaurants and catering services except   unemployment (0.5%). The employer’s contribution
 Phone: (00381) 63 244 276  alcoholic beverages), and VAT-exemption is provided for   is at a rate of 6.4% of an employee’s salary. This includes
 Fax: (00381) 63 293 102  donations, exports, and banking services. Taxpayers with   pensions (5.5%), unemployment insurance (0.5%), and  revenues in excess of EUR 30,000 must register for VAT   contributions to the Labor fund (0.2%) and Labor union
           purposes. The options/limits are based on the VAT Act   fund (0.2%). Also, a local surtax, calculated based on PIT
           in Montenegro.
                                                               assessed, is paid by the employer to the municipality
 Corporate taxes and other direct taxes     in manufacturing in economically underdeveloped   Personal income tax / Social security system  of the taxpayer’s seat. Surtax rates range from 10% to 15%,
                                                               depending on municipality, with most municipalities
 municipalities. The total amount of the tax exemption   In Montenegro, resident individuals are taxed based   having a 13% rate.
 Since FY2022, the corporate income tax rate has been   may not exceed EUR 200,000 for a period of eight years.   on their worldwide income, and non-residents are taxed
 progressive and dependent on taxable profits realized   In Montenegro, there are no specific thin capitalization
 (compared to the 9% flat rate that had been previously   rules, except that interest paid to a non-resident must
 applicable), and it applies to both resident and non-  be on arm’s length terms.  Wage related taxes in Montenegro  Minimum wage  Average wage
 resident companies. Resident companies are taxed                                          in private sector
 on their worldwide income, while non-residents are taxed   A 15% withholding tax is applicable to dividends, interests,   in EUR
 only on income generated in Montenegro. The tax base   capital gains, royalties and other intellectual property   in EUR
 is the pre-tax profit modified by several increasing and   rights, fees for the lease of movable and immovable    533       993
 decreasing items. Capital gains are included in the annual   property, consulting services, market research, and audit   Total wage cost   567      106.00%   1,063      106.00%
 corporate profits tax return and are subject to a 15%   services, which are paid to a non-resident legal entity.
 tax. In Montenegro, losses can be carried forward for   Montenegro has a wide international treaty network with   Employer's contributions   34      6.00%   70      6.00%
 5 years while the carry back of losses is not permitted.   over 40 double tax treaties.  Gross salary   533      100.00%   993      100.00%
 A tax incentive (profit tax rate for the first eight years   A progressive transfer tax rate starting from 3% is levied   Employees' contributions   82      6.00%   149      6.00%
 is 0%) is given to newly founded legal entities engaged
 on the transfer of immovable property starting from   Personal income tax   –        0.00%    26       0.00%
 2024. Namely, transfers of immovable property up to EUR   Surtax    1       0.40%              5       0.40%
 Transfer pricing in Montenegro  150,000 are taxed at 3%, transfers of immovable property   Net salary   450      84.51%   813      81.87%
 Arm’s length principle  ü  Since 2002  in the amount above EUR 150,000 are taxed at EUR
 Yes for large taxpayers   4,500 + 5% to be applied for the amount above EUR
 (revenues over EUR 10m).   150,000.01, while transfers of property valued above
 Documentation liability  ü  Others must submit   EUR 500,000.01 are taxed at EUR 22,000 + 6% rate
 on request.  to be applied above EUR 500,000.01.
 APA  No  –  Property tax is levied on the ownership/use of property
 Country-by-Country    –  at rates ranging from 0.25% to 1% for real estate that is the
 liability  No  residence of the taxpayer. Secondary real estate (not used
 Master file-local file
 (OECD BEPS 13)   No  –
 applicable  VAT options in   Applicable / limits
 Penalty  Montenegro

 lack of documentation  ü  Penalty between    Distance selling  No
 EUR 1,000–EUR 20,000.  Call-off stock  No
       tax shortage  No  Not specifically stated.  VAT group registration  No
 The parties between whom   Cash accounting – yearly
 special relations exist, which   amount in EUR (approx.)  No
 could directly impact the
 Related parties  > 25%
 conditions or economic   Import VAT deferment  No
 results of the transaction   Purchase of electricity, heating
 between them.  Local reverse charge  gas and other heating and cooling
 Corporate Income Tax Law   energy procured for further supply.
 envisions safe harbor rules   Option for taxation
 in relation to intercompany
 Safe harbors  ü  loans and interest rates.   letting of real estate  No  Pere Mioč
 The safe harbor rate for   Partner, Tax Advisory Services
 FY24 is set at 4.87% p.a.  supply of used real estate  No  Phone: +385 (0)1 4864 424
 Level of attention paid by Tax   VAT registration    EUR 30,000/year  Mobile: +385 (0)99 736 8746
 Authority  5/10  threshold  E-mail:

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