Page 41 - CEE Tax Guide 2024
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North Macedonia  public interest or special nature. A reduced rate of 10% was   1, 2020. The PIT Law amendments of January 1, 2019
                                                               introduced progressive tax rates for work-related
           recently introduced for hotel and restaurant services.
           Other indirect taxes in North Macedonia include fuel tax   income (such as salaries, pensions, etc.), income from
           and excise duties.                                  copyrights and related rights, income from independent
                                                               activities, and income from the sale of agricultural
            VAT options in                                     products (Labor Income). With the amendments to the
 Mazars N-P-KONSALTING DOO         Applicable / limits         PIT Law, Labor Income will be subject to tax at a flat rate
 Skopje     North Macedonia                                    of 10% until January 2023 regardless of the tax base
 Street Dame Gruev num. 7,  Distance selling  No               amount. Employers are obliged to calculate, withhold
 1000 Skopje                                                   from employees’ gross salary, and pay into the accounts  Call-off stock             No                  of respective funds the compulsory social contributions
            VAT group registration          ü                  and personal income tax (PIT). Altogether, social security
            Cash accounting – yearly                           contributions payable by employees amount to 28%
            amount in EUR (approx.)        No
                                                               of their gross salary: the pension contribution is 18.80%;
            Import VAT deferment           No                  health care insurance is 7.50%; unemployment insurance
                                    Construction including     is 1.20%; and health care at work insurance is 0.5%.
 Corporate taxes and other direct taxes     case of M&A transactions. The tax base is reduced by the   Local reverse charge  maintenance, electrical installation,   The examples below show the cost of the employer and
 amount of the investment of profits (reinvested profit) for   plumbing, etc.  the employee in the case of the minimum wage level and
 There is a 10% flat general corporate income tax rate for all   development purposes, i.e. investments in tangible assets   average wage. The personal allowance is MKD 105,456
 taxpayers in North Macedonia. Exceptionally, companies   (property, plant, and equipment) and intangible assets   Option for taxation  on an annual basis, while the monthly personal allowance
 with a total revenue of up to 3 million denars (MKD) are   (computer software and patents) intended to expand the   letting of real estate  No  amounts to MKD 9,540.
 exempt from the payment of CIT, and companies with   activity of the taxpayer.   supply of used real estate  No
 a total revenue between 3,000,001 and 6,000,000 denars        The minimum base for social security contributions equals
 have the option to pay CIT at 1% of their total revenue.  North Macedonia applies thin capitalization (3:1). Thin   VAT registration   MKD 2 million per year    50% of the average monthly salary for the current month.
 capitalization rules also apply to loans from banks if they   threshold  (EUR 32,415 /year).  However, for self-employed people, the minimum base
 The tax base is the pre-tax profit modified by several   are granted in relation to a deposit of the shareholder   is the average salary.
 increasing and decreasing items. Losses can be carried   in that particular bank. Also, thin capitalization rules
 forward within a limited period of 3 years. Losses cannot   do not apply for newly established companies for the first   Personal income tax / Social security system  The highest base for the payment of mandatory social
 be carried back. No special limitations are applicable in the   security contributions on a monthly basis is 18 average
 three years of their operation. In North Macedonia, there   With the latest amendments to the Law on Personal   salaries paid in Macedonia for employees and members
 Transfer pricing in North Macedonia  is a withholding tax at a rate of 10% on dividends, interests,   Income Tax (PIT Law), progressive personal income   of managing and supervisory bodies and 12 average
 royalties, and other incomes paid by a North Macedonian
           taxation has been put on hold for 36 months as of January
 Arm's length principle   ü  Since 2019  company to a foreign company. The entities obliged to pay   salaries for the self-employed.
 The CIT payer has prepare   withholding tax should submit a Report on the withholding
 a TP report and keep it in its   tax paid on the form “DD-I” to the Public Revenue Office   Wage related taxes in North Macedonia  Minimum wage in MAC  Average wage
 Documentation liability  ü  records. The CIT payer needs   once a year.                      in MAC
 to provide the TP Report
 to the PRO within 15 days   Exchange rate MKD/EUR                                               61.69  in EUR  in MKD  in EUR  in MKD
 of their request.  In North Macedonia, there is a withholding tax at a rate   482       29,739       934          57,609
 of 10% on dividends, interests, royalties, and other
 APA  No  The tax legislation does not   incomes paid by a North Macedonian company to a foreign   Total wage cost   482      100.00%   934      100.00%
 provide a binding APA.
 Country-by-Country    No  No obligation regarding   company. The entities obliged to pay withholding tax   Social contribution on salary  –   0.00%  –   0.00%
 liability  Country-by-Country   should submit a report on the withholding tax paid   Gross salary   934
 reporting as yet.
 on the form “DD-I” to the Public Revenue Office once
 Master file-local file   The report has to contain:   a year. This form must be submitted by February 15 of the    482      100.00%  100.00%
 (OECD BEPS 13)   No  Master File, Local File and   following year.  Employees' contributions   135      28.00%   261      28.00%
 applicable  attachments.                 Personal income tax*      20       4.16%             53       5.63%
 Penalty  North Macedonia has a wide international treaty (DTT)   Net salary   327      67.84%   620      66.37%
 network with 50 double tax treaties, and the withholding
 ~ EUR 2,500-3,000 / missing
 document, doubled for   tax rate can be reduced or abolished under the active   * Personal income tax base differs from gross salary, deductions apply.
 recurrence; tax authorities
 lack of documentation   ü  are entitled to suspend the   DTT. Taxpayers are obliged to obtain approval from the
 taxpayer's business activity for   Macedonian tax authorities prior to applying the tax
 3 to 30 days.  rates from DTT.
 The tax rate on sales and other transfers of real estate and
 Up to 10 times the amount
 tax shortage  ü  of the understatement of tax.  rights to real estate is 2% to 4% of the market value of the
 Individuals and legal entities   property. There is also a property tax (the rate is 0.1%-
 with control or significant   0.2%) paid annually by owners of immovable properties.
 influence, family members
 Related parties  > 20%  of owners, or members of the   VAT and other indirect taxes
 Management Board, all non-
 resident legal entities registered   The general rate is 18%; a reduced rate of 5% is applicable
 in low-tax jurisdictions.  for food products, pharmaceuticals, production equipment,
 Interest income/expense   computers, and public transportation. Exports are zero-  Nenad Randjelovic
 Safe harbors  ü  from the loans as EURIBOR   Managing Partner
 +1% (or SKIBOR +1% for loans   rated. VAT-exempt services are mainly banking services,   Phone: +389 (0)2 3166 144
 extended in MKD).  insurance, certain services provided by medical doctors
 Level of attention paid by Tax   and dentists, certain types of education and training, as well   Mobile: +389 (0)70 291 095
 Authority  7/10  as other activities that are tax-exempt with regard to their   E-mail:

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