Page 45 - CEE Tax Guide 2024
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Romania   carriages and as of 01/07/2022 for those classified as a tax   SSC are the following: Social Security Contribution/
           risk within Romania (e.g. fruit, vegetables, alcoholic drinks,
                                                               Pension (25% – employee part), Health Insurance
           clothing, footwear, and certain minerals and metals).  Contribution (10% – employee part) and Work Insurance
           As of 01/01/2024 non-alcoholic beverages with a sugar   Contribution (2.25% – employer part).
           content exceeding 5 gram/liter are subject of excise liability.   Income received from dependent activities is subject
 Mazars Tax Consulting S.R.L.  SAF-T is already implemented for large and medium   to SSC at the employee (35%) and the employer level
 4b and 2–4 Ing. George  taxpayers and as of 01/01/2025 will be mandatory for all   (2.25%). As of 2024, the annual base for calculating SSC
 Constantinescu Street,  taxpayers.                            for some categories of income is amended.
 Building B, Globalworth Campus                                As regards the SSC/Pension Contribution due for income
 Pipera, RO-020339, Bucharest  VAT options in                  received from independent income and IP rights, this
 Phone: (+40) 21 528 57 57  Romania  Applicable / limits       is due in case the income is at least 12 minimum gross
 Fax: (+40) 21 528 57 50                                       salary (e.g RON 3,300 for 2024, thus RON 36,000 per  Distance selling   The OSS system is applicable.  annum). The 25% is applied to the following computation
            Call-off stock                  ü                  base regardless of the level of revenues obtained:
            VAT group registration          ü                    • base of 12 minimum gross salaries in case the level
 Corporate taxes and other direct taxes   The tax incentive can be applied, through which CIT   Cash accounting – yearly   EUR 900,000/year  of the obtained revenue is between 12 and 24 minimum
            amount in EUR (approx.)
 payers can benefit, under certain conditions, from              gross salaries;
 CIT is 16%. To calculate the taxable profit, the accounting   annual CIT discounts (2% up to 15%), which is applicable   Certificate of payment deferral / AEO /     • base of 24 minimum gross salary in case the level of the
 profit is adjusted upwards (with non-deductible expenses)   until FY 2025.  Import VAT deferment  simplified customs procedure / products   obtained revenue exceeds 24 minimum gross salaries.
                                       subject to VAT r/c.
 or downwards (with non-taxable revenues). An additional   Tax losses can be carried forward for a period of 5 years   For sale of: certain types of waste, certain   The Health Insurance Contribution (HIC) is applied to the
 deduction of no more than 50% can be applied for certain   and offset with taxable profits up to 70%.  types of cereal, wood, greenhouse   annual net income obtained by the freelancer and the
 R&D expenses.  Treaty network consisting of around 88 DTTs.  Local reverse charge  gas emission certificates, electricity,   taxable base cannot be higher than 60 minimum gross
 Starting with 01/01/2024, entities with a turnover   The WHT on Dividends is 8%.  natural gas, green certificates, land and   salary (capped at this value). For other types of income
                                 buildings, laptops, and mobile phones.
 exceeding EUR 50 million are required to pay a minimum   The WHT for Interest and Royalties is 16%.  Option for taxation   (rental income, dividend, capital gain, etc. - except salary
 1% tax applied to adjusted turnover if the CIT computed   Capital gains from the sale of shares are tax exempt   income), the HIC is due as follows:
 under general rules is lower than the 1% turnover tax.   (certain conditions apply). In all other relations for WHT,   letting of real estate  ü    • base of 6 minimum gross salaries in case the level
 Operators in the oil and gas sectors will have to pay a 0.5%   the general tax rate and DTTs are applicable.  supply of used real estate  ü  of the obtained revenue is between 6 and 12 minimum
 tax applied to adjusted turnover, while credit institutions   In 2024 MLI provisions will affect the covered agreements   VAT registration   approx. EUR 60,000  gross salaries;
 will pay a 2% turnover tax for the period of 2024-2025 and   in Romania.  threshold    • base of 12 minimum gross salaries in case the level
 1% starting with 01/01/2026.   From 2024, shareholders with more than 25% shares   of the obtained revenue is between 12 and 24 minimum
 Capital gains arising from the sale of the participations   in a micro-company cannot have additional shareholdings   Personal income tax / Social security system  gross salaries;
 held in any state that Romania has concluded a DTT with   in other companies that apply the same regime.  A 10% flat tax rate is applicable to revenues obtained     • base of 24 minimum gross salary in case the level of the
 are non-taxable.  2 tax rates are applicable for the micro tax regime.  from dependent activities (e.g., employment or activities   obtained revenue exceeds 24 minimum gross salaries.
 Tax consolidation is applicable in the field of CIT at the   The 3% tax is reintroduced, however turnover has   assimilated to employment) or independent activities
 level of two or more legal entities. Once tax consolidation   to be between EUR 60k and EUR 500k, or the company has   (freelancers).
 has been opted for, it must be applied for 5 years.
 to have certain NACE codes. The 1% tax is still applicable
 for turnover of less than EUR 60k.
                                                                                            Average wage
 Transfer pricing in Romania  Legal entities in certain domains are not eligible to apply   Wage related taxes in Romania  Minimum wage  in private sector
 Arm’s length principle  ü  Since 2003 (Law 227/2015)  the micro tax regime (insurance, gambling).  in EUR  in RON  in EUR  in RON
 The incentive implemented to stimulate the capitalization
 Since 2003
 Documentation    ü  (Order 222/2008,   of CIT payers is also applicable for microenterprise taxpayers   Exchange rate RON/EUR                                                   4.94
 liability  Order 442/2016)  for the tax due in the fourth quarter of the fiscal year.         667                3,300     1,530      7,567
 APA  ü  Since 2007 (Order 3735/2015)  VAT and other indirect taxes      Total wage cost   682      102.25%   1,564      102.25%
 Country-by-  Non-Public CbCR and Public CbCR   Employer contributions   15      2.25%         34       2.25%
 Country liability  ü  (early adoption with FY 2023) are   General rate is 19%. Reduced rates are 9% (e.g. medicines,   Gross salary   667      100.00%   1,530      100.00%
 applicable in Romania.
 Master file-local file   food, agricultural products, hotel, restaurant services,   Employees' contributions   233      35.00%   535      35.00%
 certain residential sales and photovoltaic systems etc.)
 (OECD BEPS 13)   ü  Only Local File rules are applicable.
 applicable  and 5% (e.g. books).        Personal deduction**      133                         –
 Penalty  VAT-exempt activities include medical services, financial   Personal income tax***   30      10.00%   99      10.00%
 and banking services, insurance and reinsurance, sale
 For large and medium tax payers   and rental of real estate, sale of medical prostheses and   Net salary   404      60.50%   895      58.50%
 – approx. EUR 2,500–2,900
 lack of documentation  ü  Other taxpayers – EUR 410–720   orthopedic products, certain types of educational and   * The minimum monthly gross wage guaranteed in payment, without including bonuses or other additions, is RON 3,300 for FY 2024, for a normal working schedule. In the construction
 Adjustment of tax base plus late   training activities, and other activities of public interest.  sector, the minimum monthly gross wage for the period  January 1, 2024 – December 31, 2024 is RON 4,582 per month (without including other bonuses and additional payments).
 payment interest and penalties.  E-invoicing systems are mandatory as of 01/01/2024   ** 1 family member is assumed.
           *** Personal income tax base is: gross salary - employee's contribution - personal deduction.
       tax shortage  ü  Regular tax regime.  for taxpayers who perform B2B transactions considered
 minimum of   to take place in RO. Starting with 01/07/2024 for the
 Related parties  25%  Direct or indirect control.  purposes of deduction the original invoice is considered
 OECD's simplified approach   to be the xml file received in the e-invoice system, together   Edwin Warmerdam
 Safe harbors  No  on low value adding services is not   with electronic signature attached by Ministry of Finance.  Partner, Head of Tax
 applicable in Romania.  The e-transport system for the real time tracking of goods   Phone: +40 21 528 57 57
 Level of attention paid by Tax   is mandatory as of 15/12/2023 for all taxpayers who   E-mail:
 Authority  10/10  arrange the transport of goods for all kind of international

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