Page 46 - CEE Tax Guide 2024
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Serbia                                                                                                                 transport and other services that are associated with the   Income from the letting of real estate is taxable at 20%,
                                                                                                                                  importation of goods. Taxpayers with revenue in excess
                                                                                                                                                                                      but before that, the gross basis is reduced by standardized
                                                                                                                                  of approximately EUR 68,000 must register for VAT   costs equaling 25%. The tax rate on income from royalties
                                                                                                                                  purposes. Non-residents may register for VAT purposes   and other invtellectual property amounts to 20%.
                                                                                                                                  only through a tax representative.                  Active incomes fall under the scope of the SSC system:
                                                                                                                                                                                      social contributions payable by employees amount
                               Mazars d.o.o. Beograd                                                                              The other indirect tax type in Serbia is excise duty.  to 19.90% of the gross salary. These include contributions
                               Bulevar Milutina Milankovica 7đ,                                                                                                                       for pension and disability insurance (14%), health
                               Serbia                                                                                             Personal income tax / Social security system        insurance (5.15%), and unemployment insurance (0.75%).
                               Phone: (00381) 63 244 276                                                                          In Serbia, resident individuals are taxed based on their   Contributions payable by the employer amount to 15.15%
                               Fax: (00381) 63 293 102                                                                            worldwide income, while non-residents are taxed only   and include contributions for pension and disability
                                                                                                                                  on income in Serbia. There is a flat rate of 10% for gross   insurance totaling 10%, and health insurance (5.15%).
                                                                                                                                  salaries. Capital gains are taxed at 15%. Furthermore, the   There is no unemployment insurance payable on behalf
                                                                                                                                  tax rate on income from agriculture and forestry is 10%.   of the employer. Personal deductions are applicable.

           Corporate taxes and other direct taxes              A 20% withholding tax is applied to dividends, interests,                                                                                           Average wage
                                                               capital gains, royalties and other intellectual property            Wage related taxes in Serbia                        Minimum wage               in private sector
           There is a flat 15% general corporate income tax rate. Tax   rights, income from rent of immovable and movable
           is levied on both resident and non-resident companies.   property, and income from specific services such as market     Exchange rate RSD/EUR                                                    117.4  in EUR  in RSD  in EUR  in RSD
           Resident companies are taxed on their worldwide income,   research, accounting, auditing, and other services related    Non-taxable amount                                     213       25,000           213       25,000
           and non-residents are taxed only on income generated   to business and legal consulting. There is also a tax rate                                                              545       40,480          1,063       103,797
           in Serbia. The tax base is the pre-tax profit modified   of 25% applicable to revenues realized by non-resident
           by several increasing and decreasing items. Capital gains   legal persons from jurisdictions with a preferential tax    Total wage cost                                        758      138.96%          1,276      120.06%
           are also included in the tax return for annual corporate   system. Serbia has a wide international treaty network with                               Social contribution tax   213       15.15%           213       15.15%
           profits. Losses can be carried forward for 5 years, but the   more than 60 double tax treaties.                         Gross salary                                           545      100.00%          1,063      100.00%
           carry back of losses is not permitted. There are several
           tax deductions available on investments in relation   Transactions between related parties must                                                        Personal income tax      33       6.09%             85       7.99%
           to the number of employed persons and investment    be at arm’s length. The comparable uncontrolled price                                          Employees' contributions    109      19.90%            212      19.90%
           funds, investing into the capital of newly incorporated   method may be used, but in the absence of this method,        Net salary*                                            404      74.01%            767      72.17%
           companies performing innovative activities, and income   taxpayers can use the cost-plus method, the resale price
           from the use of deposited IP rights. Serbia applies a thin   method, the profit-sharing method, or the net profit      * Net salary differs approximately +/- 15 EUR on a monthly basis.
           capitalization ratio of 4:1 (10:1 for banks). There is also   method. There is an obligation to enclose transfer pricing
           a requirement that interest paid to a non-resident must   documentation with the annual tax returns.
           be on arm’s length terms.                           A transfer tax of 2.5% is applied to transfers listed
                                                               in the Property Tax Act. There is no surtax or alternative
            Transfer pricing in Serbia                         minimum taxes.
            Arm’s length principle  ü       Since 2013         VAT and other indirect taxes
                                       Since 2013, transfer pricing
            Documentation liability  ü  documentation is submitted   The general rate is 20%, reduced rates are 10% (e.g. bread,
                                        along with the CIT return.  milk, accommodation services, medications, fertilizer,
            APA                 No             –               etc.) and VAT-exemption is provided for exports and for
            Country-by-Country        Tax resident that is the ultimate
            liability            ü      parent entity of an MNE.  VAT options in       Applicable / limits
            Master file-local file                              Serbia
            (OECD BEPS 13)      No             –                Distance selling               No
            Penalty                                             Call-off stock                 ü
              lack of documentation  ü  ~ EUR 16,900 for missing   VAT group registration      No
                                                                Cash accounting – yearly
                                       30% on tax underpayment +   amount in EUR (approx.)  Approx. EUR 405,000/year.
                         tax shortage  ü
                                         late payment interest
                                                                Import VAT deferment           No
                                        Direct or indirect control
                                      or common managing director,                   Sale of secondary raw materials and
            Related parties    > 25%    close family members,                         services that are directly related
                                       non-resident entities from   Local reverse charge  to these goods, transactions involving
                                            tax havens.                               the construction of buildings, and
                                                                                        construction work services.
                                         Interest as described
                                      in the Governmental Rulebook,   Option for taxation                                                        Pere Mioč
            Safe harbors         ü      transactions (other than    letting of real estate     No                                                Partner, Tax Advisory Services
                                      financial) below EUR 68,000
                                       are not subject to TP rules.  supply of used real estate  No                                              Phone: +385 (0)1 4864 424
            Level of attention paid by Tax                      VAT registration       Approx. EUR 68,000/past                                   Mobile: +385 (0)99 736 8746
            Authority                        8/10               threshold                   12 months.                                           E-mail:

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