Page 48 - CEE Tax Guide 2024
P. 48

Slovakia                                                                                                               of buildings, including land for building, which meets the   if they do not partially or fully settle the liability within 100
                                                                                                                                  conditions of state-supported residential rental housing.
                                                                                                                                                                                      days of the due date.
                                                                                                                                  A special voluntary arrangement based on the receipt   Other indirect tax types in Slovakia include excise taxes
                                                                                                                                  of payment for goods and services (so-called “cash   on wine, beer, tobacco, spirits, mineral oils, electricity, coal,
                                                                                                                                  accounting”) can be applied by certain VAT payers.  and natural gas.

                               Mazars Tax k.s.                                                                                                                                        Personal income tax / Social security system
                               SKY PARK OFFICES 1,                                                                                 VAT options in         Applicable / limits         The PIT rate is progressive and depends on the amount
                               Bottova 2A                                                                                          Slovakia                                           of income earned. The PIT rate is 19% for a tax base
                               811 09 Bratislava                                                                                                           The OSS system is applicable    up to EUR 47,537.98/year (for 2024) and 25% for amounts
                               Phone: +421 259 204 700                                                                             Distance selling           from July 1, 2021.      exceeding this limit. Certain tax allowances (e.g. personal,
                               Fax: +421 259 204 703                                                                               Call-off stock                  ü                  spouse allowance, tax bonus for children) may be claimed
                                                                                                                                   VAT group registration          ü                  on personal income.
                                                                                                                                   Cash accounting – yearly   Approx. EUR 100,000/year.  The 15% tax rate applies to natural persons achieving
                                                                                                                                   amount in EUR (approx.)                            income from entrepreneurial (other self-employed)
                                                                                                                                   Import VAT deferment            No                 activities, provided their income does not exceed EUR
           Corporate taxes and other direct taxes              equipment linked to Industry 4.0 or tax exemption of part                                  Construction works; deliveries   60,000/year.
                                                               of income for granting the right to use a protected patent/                              of goods and certain types of services
           The CIT rate in Slovakia is 21%. The 15% rate applies   software created by the taxpayer.                                                     in Slovakia by a taxable person who   Dividends (from profit generated after January 1, 2024)
           to taxpayers if their income does not exceed EUR    Business restructuring (mergers, acquisitions, etc.) can            Local reverse charge  is not established in Slovakia (foreign   and some other income (e.g. share in the liquidation
                                                                                                                                                         VAT payers); sale of waste, specific
           60,000/tax period. The tax base is calculated from   be carried out solely at fair market values (in specific cases                          metal products, emission quotas; sale   balance of the company/cooperative, the settlement
           accounting profit (loss) as modified by certain increasing   – historical value method available).                                           of agricultural products; sale of specific   share, etc.) are subject to taxation at 10% (capped by DTT
           and decreasing items. Starting from January 1, 2024   Participation exemption rules for capital gains on the                                      electronic devices, etc.  for non-residents) or at 35% if the recipient or payer of the
           a minimum tax (EUR 340 to 3,840, depending on taxable   sales of shares (ownership interest) can be applied under       Option for taxation                                dividends is from a 'non-cooperative' jurisdiction.
           income) will apply to legal entities that report a tax liability   specific conditions.                                     letting of real estate      ü                  Both employers and employees are subject to social
           lower than the established amount.                  Thin capitalization rules apply in Slovakia, extended               supply of used real estate      ü                  security and health insurance contributions on the
           Tax losses (reported since 2020) can be deducted for   by ATAD provisions as of January 1, 2024.                        VAT registration                                   employee's gross monthly salary. The rates are 36.2%
           a maximum of five consecutive tax periods, up to 50%                                                                    threshold                   EUR 49,790             for employers (25.2% social security and 11% health
           of the taxpayer’s tax base.                         Withholding tax (under Slovak law)                                                                                     insurance) and 13.4% for employees (9.4% social security
           There are several types of tax incentives potentially     • 0% on dividends if paid to a company that is a tax         VAT payers are obliged to report to the Slovak Tax   and 4% health insurance). Social security contributions
           available, e.g. super-deduction of R&D costs, additional   resident of ‘cooperative jurisdiction’ and the beneficial   Authorities all bank accounts used for economic activities   are capped by a maximum assessment base of EUR
           deduction of costs incurred for certain machinery and   owner has a dividend income;                                   that are subject to VAT. Payment of the supplier’s invoice   9,128 (in 2024). There is no maximum assessment base
                                                                 • 19% on interest, royalties, bonuses, income of authors         to a bank account which was not listed at the time
            Transfer pricing in Slovakia                         of articles, etc.;                                               of payment may lead to application of joint liability for VAT.  for health insurance contributions. A health insurance
                                                                                                                                                                                      allowance (annually up to EUR 4,560) can be applied
                                                                 • 35% on payments to a resident of a non-cooperative             The possibility exists to correct the tax base from the
            Arm’s length principle  ü      Since 1999            country not included in the list issued by the Slovak            supply of goods or services if the taxpayer didn't receive   by low-income employees for employee contributions.
            Documentation liability  ü     Since 2009            Ministry of Finance (e.g. country that has neither a DTT         a payment and its receivable has become uncollectable.   As of January 1, 2023, a minimum health insurance
            APA                  ü         Since 2004            nor a treaty on tax information exchange with Slovakia),         As of January 1, 2023, customers are obliged to correct   contribution has been introduced, being EUR 40.32/
            Country-by-Country             from FY 2016          or where the beneficial owner cannot be proven;                  the deducted input VAT from purchased goods or services   month for employees (in 2024).
            liability            ü                             Interests and royalties paid by Slovak tax residents to related
            Master file-local file                             EU entities – exempt from tax (specific rules apply).
            (OECD BEPS 13)       ü       Applicable for specific   WHT may be reduced by provisions of applicable                  Wage related taxes in Slovakia                       Minimum wage             Average wage***
            applicable                                         DTT (currently, DTTs have been concluded with                                                                                                      in private sector
            Penalty                                            70 jurisdictions).                                                                                                        in EUR                 in EUR**
                                          up to EUR 3,000 /    Real estate tax is imposed on real estate owners based
              lack of documentation  ü  missing documentation                                                                                                                                  750                  1,383
                                          (recurrent basis)    on the type of property – land, buildings and apartments.           Total wage cost                                                                  1,884
                                      13.5% p.a. of tax underpayment   The ax liability is calculated by the municipal authorities                                                        1,022   136.20%                    136.20%
                                          (up to 100% of the   and depends on various factors (e.g. location, area, etc.).                                Vocational training contribution      -                       –
                         tax shortage  ü  underpayment) / 27% in case   Motor vehicle tax is imposed on the user/owner of the
                                       of aggressive tax planning                                                                  Social security and health insurance contributions (Employers' part)   272      36.20%   501      36.20%
                                          in transfer pricing  motor vehicle used for business purposes. Tax rates differ
                                        Direct or indirect control   based on technical parameters.                                Gross salary                                            750      100.00%         1,383      100.00%
                                         or common managing    Other taxes: insurance tax, special levy in regulated                                              Personal income tax*      123      19.00%          228      19.00%
            Related parties    > 25%    director, close relatives
                                      or other control aimed purely   industries.                                                                              Employees' contributions     101      13.40%          185      13.40%
                                        on circumvention of tax.  VAT and other indirect taxes                                     Net salary
                                        No transfer pricing rules                                                                                                                          526      67.60%           970      67.60%
                                      applied on transactions below   The basic VAT rate is 20%. The reduced rate of 10% applies   * Gross salary can be decreased by social security and health insurance contributions (employee's part) and personal allowance (EUR 470.54 EUR/month in 2024 - not considered above).
                                       EUR 10,000 or EUR 50,000                                                                   ** Average for 1 st –3 rd  quarter 2023.
                                      in case of loans. The evaluation   e.g. to accommodation services, restaurant and catering   *** The wage from regular employment contract.
            Safe harbors                of the above threshold   services (excluding alcohol), services for the purpose
                                       is more complex (i.e. the tax
                                       value of transactions from   of performing sport in indoor and outdoor sports facilities,                 Kvetoslava Čavajdová
                                        both related parties have   pharmaceutical products, books, lenses, basic food items                     Tax Partner
                                          to be considered).   (e.g. bread, butter, milk), some periodicals, healthy foodstuffs                  Phone: +421 259 204 700
            Level of attention paid by Tax                     (e.g. dairy products), honey, and most vegetables and                             E-mail:
            Authority                        9/10              fruits. The reduced VAT rate of 5% applies to the provision

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