Page 43 - CEE Tax Guide 2024
P. 43

Poland     VAT options in         Applicable / limits         the income is earned (for example, employment contract,
                                                               sole traders’ activity, personally performed activities,
            Poland                                             etc.). PIT is calculated according to a progressive tax scale

            Distance selling      The OSS system is applicable from   at a rate of 12% (below income amount of PLN 120k per
                                         July 1, 2021.         year) to 32% (above income amount of PLN 120k per
            Call-off stock                  ü                  year). A specific rate also applies to individuals pursuing
 Mazars Audyt SP. z o.o.                                       business activities as sole proprietorships or partners
 00 – 549 Warsaw, Piękna 18,    VAT group registration  ü      in partnerships, who may opt for a flat 19% PIT rate.
 Poland     Cash accounting – yearly   EUR 2,000,000/ year     The tax-free amount is PLN 30,000 (depending on the
            amount in EUR (approx.)
 Phone: + 48 22 25 55 200                                      value of the tax base). The income of taxpayers who
 Fax: + 48 22 25 55 299  Import VAT deferment  ü               are under the age of 26 and receive their income based                    Reverse charge mechanism applies   on an employment relationship, a mandate contract,
                                  to gas supplied in the gas system,
                                  electricity supplied in the electricity
                                 system, and greenhouse gas emission   a post-graduate internship, or a student internship is tax-
            Local reverse charge  allowance transfer services when such   free up to an amount of income not exceeding PLN 85,528
                                 supplies are made directly or through   in the given tax year.
                                 an authorized entity on a commodity
                                   exchange, a regulated market,   Employee Capital Plan (ECP): Payments to PPK are made
 Corporate taxes and other direct taxes     general rule described above. As of January 1, 2022,   or an organized trading platform.  both by the employer and the plan participant. The basic
 changes in the regulations concerning debt financing   Option for taxation  payment to PPK made by the plan participant is equal
 Polish companies are taxable on their worldwide income.   costs entered into force. Expenses for debt financing are   to 2% (as of January 1, 2022, this could be 0.5% when
 Non-resident companies are taxable only on Polish sources   qualified as tax deductible costs to an amount of no more   letting of real estate  For residential purposes (exempt),    additional requirements are fulfilled) of the salary used
                                   for commercial purposes (23%).
 of income, subject to DTT. The standard CIT rate is 19%.   than 30% of EBITDA or an amount not exceeding PLN   as the base for the calculation of retirement and disability
 The preferential CIT rate for "small taxpayers" (whose   3,000,000 (depending on which amount is higher).  supply of used real estate  Exempt (additional   SSC, while the employer pays 1.5% of the salary used as the
 sales revenue in the previous FY did not exceed the PLN   Interest, royalties, and certain types of immaterial   requirements needed).  base for the calculation of retirement and disability SSC.
 equivalent of EUR 2,000,000) is 9%. This rate also applies   services paid to non-Polish residents are, as a rule, subject   VAT registration    PLN 200,000/year    Personal income falls under the social insurance
 for newly-created entities (additional requirements also   to a 20% WHT rate, and dividends (or dividend-like   threshold  (approx. EUR 50,000)  system: employee’s SC (capped) equals 13.71%;
 apply). In Poland, CIT is generally payable on income.   incomes) are subject to a 19% WHT rate (unless, in both   to 2%. Transactions related to filling a power of attorney   employer’s contributions equal approximately 20.48%.
 Tax deductible costs exceeding revenues in any given   instances, an exemption or reduced rate is available under   and public administration actions (submitting application   Additionally, the individual is required to pay a 9%
 FY constitute a loss which may be deducted from income   an applicable DDT or the EU Interest-Royalties Directive   forms, issuing certificates, granting permissions, etc.) are   health insurance contribution. As of January 1, 2022,
 over the next 5 consecutive years (no more than 50%   exemption applies). As of January 2022, a pay & refund   subject to stamp duty.  it is not possible to lower the income tax by the amount
 of a loss can be offset in any one year). Starting from tax   mechanism entered into force. This only applies to passive   of the health insurance contribution and deduct 7.75%.
 losses incurred in FY2019, it is possible to activate the   payments exceeding PLN 2 Million per annum summed   Personal income tax / Social security system  The examples below show the employer’s and the
 tax loss of a given tax year as a one-off amount up to PLN   for one non-resident. The excess amounts are subject   PIT is calculated on income. However, the income   employee’s costs in case of the minimum wage level and
 5,000,000. The surplus may be settled in line with the
 to a base WHT rate pursuant to the CIT Act (19% or 20%)   calculation differs depending on the source from which   the average wage in the private sector.
 and the tax remitter can only apply for a WHT refund
 Transfer pricing in Poland  if the payment could be exempt or qualifies for a reduced      Average wage

 Arm’s length principle  ü  Since 1997  rate from the proper DTT. It is also possible to apply for   Wage related taxes in Poland  Minimum wage*****  in private sector****
 an opinion on the application of preference (additional
 Documentation liability  ü  Since 2001  requirements also apply). There are also strict restrictions   Exchange rate PLN/EUR*                                                  4.32  in EUR  in PLN  in EUR  in PLN
 APA  ü  Since 2006  concerning due diligence procedures (e.g. beneficial owner    980                4,242          1,795       7,768
 Country-by-Country   statement; verification whether the recipient runs a real
 liability  ü  Since 2017   business activity in its state of residence).   Total wage cost   1,196      121.98%   2,189      121.98%
 Master file-local file   Real property tax and transport tax are charged as local   Employer's social security**    176      17.93%   322      17.93%
 (OECD BEPS 13)   ü  Since 2017  taxes in Poland. Real property tax is paid by owners   Other insurance (approx.)   25      2.55%   46      2.55%
 applicable  of real estate. Banks and financial institutions are taxable   Contribution to the PPK 1.5%   15      1.50%   27      1.50%
 Penalty  at a 0.0366% rate (monthly levy) of their total assets
 20% (30%) of the amount   (exceeding the indicated minimum value).  Gross salary   980      100.00%     1,795      100.00%
 of overstated loss or understated     Employees` contributions    134       13.71%           246       13.71%
 lack of documentation  ü  income (over PLN 15,000,000) +   VAT and other indirect taxes      Healthcare insurance   76      9.00%   139      9.00%
 late payment interest + personal
 liability of the members of the
 Company’s Board.  As a rule, the standard VAT rate is 23%. Preferential   Personal income tax***   7      12.00%   116      12.00%
 10% of the amount of overstated   rates of 8% and 5% apply to certain goods and services.   Contribution to the PPK 2%   20      2.00%   36      2.00%
       tax shortage  ü  loss/ understated income + late   Other goods and services (e.g. exports, intra-Community   Net salary   743      75.81%   1,257      70.03%
 payment interest/incorrect
 pricing in controlled transaction.  supplies of goods, international transport services) may   *  Average exchange rate announced by the National Bank of Poland as of February 5, 2024.
 Related parties  > 25%  Direct or indirect capital relations,   be zero-rated or exempt. Due to inflation during the period   ** Capped at income of PLN 234,720.00 for pension and retirement contributions.
 personal relations.  from February 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022, reduced   *** Taxable base = gross salary – employee’s contributions – statutory tax deductible costs.
           **** Average wage in private sector as of January 2024 announced by the Main Statistical Office.
 Low value added services:   rates apply to e.g. fuels; heat; natural gas; certain food   ***** Minimum wage January–June 4,242.00
 5% mark-up. Loans: for 2024   products. A 0% VAT rate applies to some food products   1. Minimum wage July–December 4,300.00
 there is a basic interest rate   2. (Revenue x (-7.35%) + PLN 819.08) ÷ 0.17, for Revenue higher than PLN 8,549 and not exceeding PLN 11,141
 on IC loans (depending on the   until March 31, 2024.
 Safe harbors  ü  loan currency), i.e. WIBOR 3M,
 WIRON 3, LIBOR USD 3M,   Other indirect tax types in Poland include excise duty and   Kinga Baran
 EURIBOR 3M, plus margin   gambling tax. Some civil acts such as contracts of sale,
 up to 3.1 pp (the Borrower) and   Head of Tax
 a minimum of 2.2 pp (the Lender).  loan agreements, and foundation deeds of partnerships   Mobile: +48 691 20 70 58
 Level of attention paid by Tax   or companies, if not subject to VAT, may be subject to civil   E-mail:
 Authority  10/10  law activity tax (CLAT), the rates of which range from 0.1%

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