Page 52 - CEE Tax Guide 2024
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Ukraine                                                                                                                The VAT registration threshold is a revenue of UAH 1 million   for renewable energy, etc.). Until the end of martial law,
                                                                                                                                  (approx. EUR 24 K) over 12 consecutive months. Voluntary
                                                                                                                                                                                      the import of certain military goods is exempt from VAT.
                                                                                                                                  registration is available.                          VAT exemptions and incentives are granted under certain
                                                                                                                                  Under the general rule, the place of the supply of services   The other indirect tax in Ukraine is excise tax. Excisable
                                                                                                                                  is the place where the supplier is registered. However,
                               Mazars Ukraine LLC                                                                                 there are some exceptions (e.g. for consulting, marketing,   goods are spirits, beer, tobacco, petroleum, cars, trailers,
                                                                                                                                                                                      motorcycles, and electricity. Certain military purpose
                               15A Kyrylivska Street,                                                                             information services, software development, etc.).   goods are exempt until the end of martial law.
                               Kyiv, 04080,                                                                                       The reverse-charge mechanism applies to services
                               Ukraine                                                                                            provided by a non-resident.                         Personal income tax / Social security system
                               Phone: +38 044 390 71 07
                                                                                                            VAT options in                                     The flat PIT rate of 18% is imposed on both active income
                                                                                                                                   Ukraine                Applicable / limits         (e.g. employment, benefits in kind) and passive income
                                                                                                                                                                                      (e.g. interest, royalties, investment income) for residents
                                                                                                                                   Distance selling                No                 and non-residents.

                                                                                                                                   Call-off stock                  No                 Ukraine tax residents pay PIT on their worldwide income.
           Corporate taxes and other direct taxes              Companies with annual income below UAH 40 million                   VAT group registration          No                 Non-residents pay PIT on their Ukrainian sourced income.
                                                               (approx. EUR 963K) are entitled not to apply any tax
           The standard CIT rate of 18% applies to the worldwide   adjustments (except for tax losses carried forward).            Cash accounting – yearly                           Dividends are subject to 9% PIT, except for dividends
           income of resident companies. The CIT rate for banks   A 15% withholding tax (WHT) is imposed on passive                amount in EUR (approx.)         ü                  distributed by Ukrainian CIT payers, which are subject
           is 50% in 2023, reduced to 25% starting from 2024.  income (dividends, interest, royalties) paid to non-                Import VAT deferment            No                 to 5% PIT. For the specific types of passive income, the tax
           Non-resident companies and their permanent          residents.                                                          Local reverse charge                               rates of 5% and 0% may apply.
           establishments (PE) pay CIT on income received from   Payment for services is WHT-exempt (except for                                              Imported services        There is a temporary military levy (until the completion
           Ukrainian sources.                                  engineering). WHT is also levied on other payments to non-          Option for taxation                                of the military reform) at a rate of 1.5% that applies to all
           Taxable profit is calculated as financial profit before   residents, e.g. constructive dividends, alienation of shares      letting of real estate                         income subject to PIT.
           tax (reported in the P&L statement according        in Ukrainian asset-rich companies, freight, etc.                                                    ü
           to GAAP or IFRS), adjusted with certain tax adjustments                                                                 supply of used real estate      No                 During martial law, the income and gains of combatants
           (depreciation, accruals and provisions, thin capitalization,   A lower WHT rate or exemption may apply under a double                           Revenue of UAH 1 million    and individuals living in combat areas received from
           tax losses, etc.).                                  tax treaty (DTT). Ukraine has a wide DTT network (more              VAT registration          (approx. EUR 24 K)       charitable organizations are PIT-exempt. Also, financial
           Thin capitalization rules apply to loans granted by any non-  than 70). A “look-through approach” is available.                                over 12 consecutive months.  support provided to law enforcement officers and military
           resident (the debt-to-equity ratio is 3:5), with exceptions   The application of DTT benefits is restricted by a “principal                                                personnel is not subject to a military levy.
           for certain financial and leasing entities.         purpose test”.                                                     A so-called "Google tax" of 20% is imposed          A reduced PIT rate of 5% applies to salaries of individuals
           Tax losses can be carried forward indefinitely with   Transfer pricing (TP) rules apply to controlled transactions     on the provision of electronic services by non-residents   employed by DiiaCity, to the remuneration of gig-experts,
           limitations for large taxpayers. Loss carry back is not   (CT) with related non-residents and with non-related         to individuals within the customs territory of Ukraine.  and to the remuneration of authors.
                                                               foreign companies registered in low-tax jurisdictions or not       Ukrainian VAT is administrated through an electronic   Most forms of active income fall under the
                                                               paying income tax. TP rules apply if the company's annual          system. The taxpayer is entitled to issue VAT invoices for
            Transfer pricing in Ukraine                        revenue exceeds UAH 150 million (approx. EUR                       the amount within a certain cap.                    scope of social security contribution (SSC)
            Arm’s length principle  ü       Since 2013         3.6 million), and its CT with the same counterparty exceed         There are VAT exemptions (tobacco products, gold) and   with an employer’s contribution of 22%; there
                                                                                                                                                                                      is no employee’s contribution. The minimum monthly SSC
            Documentation liability  ü      Since 2013         UAH 10 million (approx. EUR 241 K). Transactions between           temporary VAT incentives for the supply of certain goods   is UAH 1,562 (approx. EUR 38), the maximum monthly SSC
                                                               non-resident and its PE fall under TP control if the amount
            APA                  ü    Applicable to large taxpayers,   exceeds UAH 10 million.                                    and services (electric vehicles, scrap metals, equipment   is UAH 23,430 (approx. EUR 564).
                                         no cases in practice.
                                                               Undistributed profits of controlled foreign companies
            Country-by-Country       For MNE with income ≥ EUR 750                                                                                                                                                 Average wage
            liability            ü     million (+ other conditions).  are taxed at 18% at the level of Ukrainian company           Wage related taxes in Ukraine                       Minimum wage               in private sector
                                                               or individual (subject to exemptions).
            Master file-local file                                                                                                                                                     in EUR       in UAH        in EUR       in UAH
            (OECD BEPS 13)       ü     For MNE with income ≥ EUR   Non-residents operating in Ukraine through PE should            Exchange rate UAH/EUR                                                  41.54
                                            50 million.
            applicable                                         register with the tax authorities and file their CPT returns.                                                               171          7,100        525          21,809
            Penalty                                            Sole traders, companies with annual income below UAH                Total wage cost                                        209        122%            629        122%
                                       3% of the value of controlled   8.3 million (approx. EUR 199 K), and agricultural producers
                                       transactions, but not more                                                                                               Social contribution tax    38         22%             116        22%
              lack of documentation  ü  than UAH 605,600 (approx.   may apply for the simplified taxation system.                  Gross salary                                                                      525        100%
                                        EUR 15 K) for the 2024                                                                                                                             171       100%
                                           reporting year.     A special beneficial tax regime called DiiaCity is available                                       Personal income tax      31         18%             95         18%
                                       25% of tax underpayment;    for IT companies and start-ups.                                                                      Military tax        3          2%              8          2%
                                        50% in case of recurrent
                         tax shortage  ü   violation within 1,095 days    VAT and other indirect taxes                             Net salary                                             138        80%             423        80%
                                        + late payment interest.
                                       Direct/indirect or common   As a non-EU member, Ukraine has not implemented
                                       control; (formalized or de-  EU VAT Directives.
            Related parties    > 25%  facto); transactions with non-
                                      related non-residents may fall   The standard VAT rate is 20% (14% for the import of some                  Denys Shendryk
                                          under TP control.    agricultural products; 7% for the supply of pharmaceuticals                       Partner, Head of Tax and Legal Services
            Safe harbors        No             –               and some services; 0% for the export of goods and the                             Phone: +38 044 390 71 07
            Level of attention paid by Tax                     import of certain goods and services).                                            E-mail:
            Authority                         7/10

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