Page 55 - CEE Tax Guide 2024
P. 55

Uzbekistan  Excise Tax is paid by importers or sellers of:
           1) Alcoholic products
           2) Tobacco products
           3) Oil & gas products
           4) Motor vehicles.

 Mazars    Personal income tax / Social security system
 8A Afrosiab street, office 501, 5th
 floor “Dmaar Plaza” Business Center,   Tax residents shall be recognized as an individual staying
 Tashkent – Uzbekistan  in the Republic of Uzbekistan if they do so for at least 183
 Phone: +998 93 373 11 40  calendar days in any consecutive 12-month period ending
 E-mail:  in the current tax period (calendar year). The concept is the
           same as worldwide.
           The 12% Social Tax contains all types of contributions
           to the social system, including the pension scheme and
           access to the state medical system.
 Corporate taxes and other direct taxes     when a company has enjoyed tax benefits. There are thin
 capitalization rules. A CFC rule exists.
 In general, the concept is similar to the CIT approach   Wage related taxes in Uzbekistan  Minimum wage  Average wage
 used in developed countries worldwide. Taxable income   WHT applies to incomes paid to non-residents that are not   in private sector
 is calculated as annual income minus expenses. It is only   registered for tax purposes in Uzbekistan. Taxable incomes   in EUR  in UZS  in EUR  in UZS
 possible to deduct properly documented expenses   are listed in the Tax Code. Uzbekistan has signed 54 treaties   Exchange rate UZS/EUR                                            13.53
 provided that the expenses are connected with the taxable   on avoidance of double taxation. Although the treaty rates   78       1,050,000   400       5,414,400
 income. Dividends and capital gains are excluded from   prevail over the Tax Code, non-residents must have a duly   Total wage cost   87      112.00%   448      112.00%
 taxable income. The percentage of depreciation norms for   issued tax residency certificate to be able to apply the treaty.
 fixed assets is set out in the Tax Code and is substantively   The multilateral instrument (MLI) is not in force.   Employer's social security and other contributions   9      12.00%   48      12.00%
 similar to IFRS principles. Losses can be carried forward   Small and medium businesses may enjoy a special tax   Gross salary   78      100.00%   400      100.00%
 without limitation. The rules on the carrying forward   regime according to which the Unified Tax on income   Personal income tax   9      12.00%   48      12.00%
 of losses do not apply to losses generated during periods
 is paid. This tax replaces CIT.       Employees' contributions     –        0.00%              –        0.00%
 VAT and other indirect taxes      Net salary                       68      88.00%            352      88.00%
 Transfer pricing in Uzbekistan
 The VAT concept is quite similar to the concept applied
 Arm’s length principle  ü  Since 2020  in developed countries worldwide. The turnover subject
 Documentation liability  ü  Since 2022  to VAT is in general the total value of sales (Output VAT).
 APA  ü  Since 2022  The VAT paid to suppliers (input VAT) is deducted from
 Output VAT. Input VAT cannot be offset if the goods, works,
 Country-by-Country   –  or services purchased are not related to taxable turnover,
 liability  No  the VAT-invoice is not issued by a supplier or issued with
 Master file-local file   the violation of the legal requirements, the supplier
 (OECD BEPS 13)   No  –
 applicable  is declared by a court to be inactive entity, etc. The VAT
 Penalty  rate for the export of goods is 0% and there is a certain
 procedure for the refund of the related input VAT.
 lack of documentation  ü  Less than 500 EUR.
       tax shortage  ü   40% of tax shortage.
 Legal entities are considered   VAT options in   Applicable / limits
 to be related:    Uzbekistan
 - legal entities are related
 if one legal entity holds a direct   Distance selling  No
 or indirect participation
 in another legal entity and the   Call-off stock  No
 share of such participation in the
 Related parties  charter capital exceeds 20%    VAT group registration  No
 - an individual and a legal entity
 are related if the individual holds   Cash accounting – yearly
 a direct or indirect participation   amount in EUR (approx.)  No
 in the legal entity and the
 share of such participation   Import VAT deferment  No
 in subscribed capital
 exceeds 20%.  Local reverse charge  ü
 Safe harbors  No  –  Option for taxation
 2023 is the first year TP   letting of real estate  No  Ludmila Dyakonova
 reporting has to be submitted
 Level of attention paid by Tax   to the state authorities.    supply of used real estate  No  Partner
 Authority  The tax authorities may start   Phone: +7 727 355 40 00
 audits on TP matters only after   VAT registration   1 bUZS (approx. EUR 77k)  E-mail:
 June 2023.  threshold

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