Page 59 - CEE Tax Guide 2024
P. 59

Tax rates in the countries of the CEE region

 2024  VAT  PIT  SSC

 Value added    Personal income    Social security and other
 contributions payable
 tax rates  tax rate(s)  by the employer
 Albania  0% / 20% / 6%  16.70%
 0% / 13% / 15% / 23%
 20.98% social insurance + approx.
 Austria  20% / 10% / 13%  0%–55%  8.6% other taxes and contributions

 Bosnia and Herzegovina  17%  10%* / 8%**  10.5%* / No**

 Bulgaria  20% / 9%  10%  18.92%
 15%–23.60% (lower rate)
 Croatia  25% / 13% / 5% / 0%  16.5%*
 25%–35.40% (higher rate)
 Czech Republic  21% / 12%  15% / 23%*   24.8%** / 9%

 Estonia  22% / 0% / 5% / 9%  20%  33% / 0.8%

 Germany  19% / 7%  14%–45%  20.225%

 Greece  24% / 13% / 6% / 4%  22.29%
 9% / 22% / 28% / 36% / 44%

 Hungary  27% / 18% / 5%  15%  13%

 Kazakhstan  12%  10% / 5% / 15% / 20%  10.8%

 Kosovo  18% / 8%/0%  Progressive:   5%
 0% / 4% / 8% / 10%

 Kyrgyzstan  12%  10%  17.25%

 Latvia  21% / 12% / 5% or 0%  20% / 23% / 31%  23.59%
 Lithuania  21% / 9% / 5%  15% / 20% / 32%  1.77%

 Moldova  20% / 8%  12%  24%

 Montenegro  21% / 7%  0%/ 9% / 15%  6.4%

 North Macedonia  18% / 10% / 5%  10%  No

 Poland   23% / 8% /5% /0%  12% / 32%  21.98%

 Romania  19% / 9% / 5%  10%  2.25%

 Serbia  20% / 10%  10%  15.15%

 Slovakia  20% / 10% / 5%  15% / 19% / 25%   36.2%

 Slovenia  22% / 9.5% / 5%  Progressive: 16%–50%  16.1%

 Ukraine  20% / 14% / 7% / 0%  18%*  22%**

 Uzbekistan  12% / 0%  12%  12%

 Bosnia and Herzegovina * In Federation of BIH.  ** In Republika Srpska. Croatia * For the person under 30 employed on variable-term
 contract, there is no contributions on salary (16.5%) for a period of 5 years. Czech Republic * On income exceeding approx. EUR 64,605
 yearly in 2024. ** Only on income up to approx. EUR 86,140 in 2024. Ukraine * Additionally 1.5% temporary military tax should be withheld
 from the same base as PIT. ** Maximum monthly SSC is UAH 23,430 (approx. EUR 564).
 58  Mazars  Central and Eastern European tax guide 2024
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